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Entries in gender (7)


Should You Change the Gender Roles in Your Marriage Because of a Study?


Last week researchers at the University of British Columbia released a study that looked at parents, children and gender roles. It found that fathers who do a greater share of the domestic chores have daughters who aspire to more male dominated, higher paying careers. So if dads want their daughters to be engineers or scientists or stock brokers instead of nurses or teachers or (gasp!) stay at home moms, they should do the laundry and the dishes more often. But is that how we should interpret the study's results?

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#FeminismIsForMothersToo, Obviously 


From the moment that a woman gets pregnant, our patriarchal society begins policing her choices, but refuses to provide her with any actual support. Motherhood is now a greater predictor of inequality than gender in the United States, yet mothers are also the key to improving the plight of children in general and girls in particular around the world. This is why #FeminismIsForMothersToo.

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A Girl Gets Her Doll - Flashback to the 1980s (Guest Post)

baby boy doll

When she was a little girl, Karin went off in search of a baby boy doll to add to her collection. This is a little story about her search and how she found "Tommy".

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The 'Feminist' or 'Retro' Housewife: What's the Problem?

A couple of weeks ago, New York Magazine published an article initially called "The Feminist Housewife" (and later changed, it seems, to "The Retro Wife"). The subtitle reads "feminists who say they're having it all - by choosing to stay home" and the article features the story of Kelly Makino, a mom who decided to stay at home full time. What's wrong with that, you may ask?

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Marissa Mayer and Sheryl Sandberg: When Executive Women Keep Other Women Down

This week, two executive women made some pretty questionable business moves. These moves were not only baffling in their own right, but also stand to negatively impact women in the workplace.

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