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Entries in equally shared parenting (3)


Pssst...I think the feminist parenting is working

This week, as I've been solo parenting, my ten year old has been voicing observations. I'm not entirely sure if they are innocent observations or developing snark. Either way, I think they are a sign that the feminist parenting is working.

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Should You Change the Gender Roles in Your Marriage Because of a Study?


Last week researchers at the University of British Columbia released a study that looked at parents, children and gender roles. It found that fathers who do a greater share of the domestic chores have daughters who aspire to more male dominated, higher paying careers. So if dads want their daughters to be engineers or scientists or stock brokers instead of nurses or teachers or (gasp!) stay at home moms, they should do the laundry and the dishes more often. But is that how we should interpret the study's results?

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Equally Shared Parenting and Breastfeeding? Is That Possible?

I often find discussions about work-life balance to be frustrating. They seem to assume that it is the woman's job to find that balance and don't consider the need for men to find that balance too. I also find it frustrating when people assume you can't have equally shared parenting if the mom is breastfeeding. Instead of simply being frustrated, I thought I'd share some examples and some stories.

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