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Entries in breastfeeding (11)


Do We Need Corporations to Empower Us?

A formula company and a nonprofit both want to empower moms and do away with judgment. Where will you stand? With a company with a huge marketing budget and shareholders who are highly vested in getting you on board? Or with a nonprofit that truly wants to help moms meet their own goals?

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Bottled Up by Suzanne Barston (Book Review)

Bottled Up

I just finished reading "Bottled Up: How the Way We Feed Babies Has Come to Define Motherhood, and Why It Shouldn't" (by Suzanne Barston from Fearless Formula Feeder) and I think every breastfeeding advocate should read it. Read my post to find out what I thought of the book, which issues touched me, and why I think you should read it.

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Target Canada Confirms Breastfeeding Support

Target Canada Breastfeeding

After a high profile breastfeeding incident in the United States last year, I wanted to know whether Target Canada would ensure its Canadian stores are breastfeeding friendly.Of course the law in Canada supports our right to breastfeed anytime, anywhere, but as we all know, that doesn't guarantee that women won't be harassed by people who aren't familiar with the law. So I asked Target. And they replied. Read on to see what they said...

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Equally Shared Parenting and Breastfeeding? Is That Possible?

I often find discussions about work-life balance to be frustrating. They seem to assume that it is the woman's job to find that balance and don't consider the need for men to find that balance too. I also find it frustrating when people assume you can't have equally shared parenting if the mom is breastfeeding. Instead of simply being frustrated, I thought I'd share some examples and some stories.

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How Breastfeeding Saves Lives ... And How YOU Can  Help

830,000 newborn deaths could be prevented if babies were breastfed within the first hour. 1.4 million child deaths could be prevented if optimal breastfeeding practices were followed (exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continued breastfeeding until at least 2 years). What needs to change, globally, to make that possible?

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