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When they are not at home, my children do things for themselves, entertain themselves, and resolve conflicts with others. But when they are at home, they seem to default to neediness or laziness. There is a constant "Mom, MOM, MAMAAAAAA!!!". Over the holidays, I found a way to lessen the demands and get them to work things out on their own.

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This Weekend, I Celebrated


I'm humbled and thrilled to have been awarded first place in family and parenting, first place in feminism and second place in activism and social justice in the 2013 Canadian Weblog Awards.

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#FeminismIsForMothersToo, Obviously 


From the moment that a woman gets pregnant, our patriarchal society begins policing her choices, but refuses to provide her with any actual support. Motherhood is now a greater predictor of inequality than gender in the United States, yet mothers are also the key to improving the plight of children in general and girls in particular around the world. This is why #FeminismIsForMothersToo.

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Your Holidays, Your Way

advent calendar

No, dear inbox, I don't want to "Cook up some homemade hostess gifts". No, Pinterest, I won't be sewing Christmas-themed coffee cozies. I have been busy figuring out how we'll make the holiday special in our own way, which may not be the same as it is for other families. Have you figured out how to make the holidays special in your own way? Come get some ideas and share what your family will be doing.

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So What Should We Talk About as Parenting Evolves?

extreme math

I feel like the last big decision we made was how to educate our children and we made that one six years ago. Now it is all minutia or in the moment parenting. The decisions that I make about how to parent my children is less about something I've considered and researched carefully than it is about what feels right in that moment. To some extent, perhaps that is experience talking. But I think the bigger change in how I parent now versus when they were babies is that I'm parenting inside a relationship that is many years in the making. If parenting is less black or white as children get older, how do we keep the conversation about parenting going?

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