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Boycotting "Made in Bangladesh" Will Do More Harm Than Good

Last week, I was devastated to hear that more than 300 workers were killed when a factory collapsed in Bangladesh, just as I was devastated when more than 100 workers were killed in a factory fire last year. A lot of people are calling for a return to buying local and saying they will boycott "Made in Bangladesh". I don't think that is the answer. But what is?

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Lean In? Sure -- Been There, Done That -- Now What?

During the six years from the start of my career until the birth of my first born, I had more than doubled my salary, had a great team working for me, and was respected by my managers, staff, clients, competitors and other people in my network. I had leaned in, and it had paid off.

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Marble Puffed Quinoa Squares

puffed quinoa squares

Looking for an alternative to Rice Krispie Squares? Give these marble puffed quinoa squares a try. The kids will love them.

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The 'Feminist' or 'Retro' Housewife: What's the Problem?

A couple of weeks ago, New York Magazine published an article initially called "The Feminist Housewife" (and later changed, it seems, to "The Retro Wife"). The subtitle reads "feminists who say they're having it all - by choosing to stay home" and the article features the story of Kelly Makino, a mom who decided to stay at home full time. What's wrong with that, you may ask?

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Bottled Up by Suzanne Barston (Book Review)

Bottled Up

I just finished reading "Bottled Up: How the Way We Feed Babies Has Come to Define Motherhood, and Why It Shouldn't" (by Suzanne Barston from Fearless Formula Feeder) and I think every breastfeeding advocate should read it. Read my post to find out what I thought of the book, which issues touched me, and why I think you should read it.

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