A New Look and a More Defined Path

When I started this blog five years ago, I didn't know what it would become. I knew that parenting was both an art and a science and I embarked on my proverbial PhD in Parenting with that in mind. On my first "About This Blog" page, the one that remained until today, I wrote:
As someone who has spent a lot of years in a classroom, I learned that sometimes I need to take notes and explain things to others before I can truly master them. I spend a lot of time thinking about and reading about things that will help me to be a better parent, so I decided to start writing about it to with the hopes that more of it will sink in.
Maybe my blog will help others along the way too. Perhaps someone else that is struggling with an issue will read something I wrote and take something away from it. Maybe my husband will read the book reviews since I can’t convince him to read the books. Maybe family and friends will read it and get a better understanding for why we parent the way that we do. Maybe no one will read it, in which case it will just act as my own study guide.
Now, 800 posts, 25 thousand comments and 3 million page views later, I have a better idea what I want to focus on in my proverbial PhD. My research, my analysis, my focus is on parenting, feminism, social change and the intersection between them.
Today, I'm excited to launch a new design that is more aligned with that vision. I worked with the amazing Schmutzie from Ninjamatics to help turn the site into a visual reflection of my vision and my focus. My new more grown up "About" page now says:
I'm working on my proverbial PhD in Parenting (no, not a "real" PhD). That means I spend a lot of time thinking, hypothesizing, researching, experimenting, and failing. It means I don't have all the answers, but that I like looking for answers. It means, like most real PhD students, that I get distracted and spend way too much time on twitter and YouTube. I digress.
I'm a parent, a feminist, and a humanist. I believe in creating a collaborative environment of mutual trust and respect where people can learn from each other and make the world a better place. I apply that philosophy in my relationship with my children, with my partner, with my friends and loved ones, and with the world at large.
This blog is not about wrapping ourselves up in the warm blanket of complacency. It is about asking how we, as parents, as feminists (men can be feminists too), and as human beings can improve the way we relate to our children, to each other, and to the earth we inhabit. It is about questioning things, proposing solutions, and testing ideas.
I will never graduate from my proverbial PhD in Parenting. But I will keep plugging away. I hope you'll join me for the journey and the conversation.
Welcome to my new home.
Reader Comments (33)
Wowza! It looks fantastic and I love the design and your forward planning. Looking forward to many more posts. Congratulations, Annie!
It's fantastic!! Elan did a great job and I'm excited to see what you have coming in the future. :)
It looks fantastic, Annie!
Oh, hell yes!
Looks great! And I'm glad the baby eyes are still there :)
Love the new look, Annie - it's amazing to see how far you've come in five years. I'm thrilled to have seen the journey and thankful that you have shared so much with us.
Looks great, and congrats on the change! =)
Love it.
Love your blog and absolutely love your new look and focus! Way to go!
Annie your new site looks amazing. Great job!
Congrats. Looks wonderful
Love it - both the design and the renewed focus. :)
Looks great -- I love the new look!
I LOVE IT! Seems fresh & friendly & smart all at the same time. current and stylish.. good job!!
LOVE the look. I'm inspired to read about your journey.
I LOVE IT! Seems fresh & friendly & smart all at the same time. current and stylish.. good job!!
I love this. Every bit of it. I'm proud to know you and see where you started and where you're going. And, I'm glad to be along for the ride.
Great job. Wonderful focus. True inspiration.
Love it! Elan does a fab job. And Squarespace is great...
LOVE the new space Annie!
GORGEOUS!!! I love how it captures visually so much of what your blog is about. Kudos to you and to Schmutzie.
Love the design!
Love the new look and focus!
LOVE IT! Congrats.
Fabulous new look! I, for one, have enjoyed seeing your evolution.
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! The chalkboard is my favorite. I'm so excited to take a look around and can't wait to spend more time here! YAY! Great job!!!! HOORAY!!!
Awesome new look to your website Annie! Congratulation on your five year blogging anniversary!
Sending you many congratulations! Looks awesome!
This looks simply amazing! I've been a huge fan, but your new design and outlook are even more impressive. I can't wait to read more!
Congratulations on the new design, Annie. It is professional, appealing, and well-organized. I look forward to following along as your story continues to unfold.
I looooooove the new look--and I've always loved your writing. Congrats on taking this fresh leap forward!
Love the new look! I have been following you on twitter and look forward to reading a lot more.