This is How Our Garden Grew

I love watching our garden grow, from the first little bits of green peeking out of the soil to being overrun with zucchini and tomatoes. Here is how our garden has grown this summer, from seeds (mostly from Cubits) in the greenhouse to lush plants that are now producing delicious vegetables.

...soon maybe some harvest pics. :)

...soon maybe some harvest pics. :)
Reader Comments (14)
I am very jealous. I love that garden. I grow a bit but haven't enough room for all that. Just beautiful
that is awesome! makes my container garden look positively lilliputian. :) I harvested my basil yesterday and froze it. Hopefully some day I'll have a proper garden. Yours looks amazing!
wonderful! too bad the deer feast on all and everything in sight here!
I have a tiny garden in comparison to yours. Every year it gets a little bigger. These pictures are so inspiring! Just looking at them makes me want to get outside. Thanks for sharing them.
You are making me so jealous..what a beautiful garden you share with us your harvest photos and gardening tips..we are so hungry for them now! :)
Awesome..I am so growing some veggies next year...inspiring !!!
A handy visual how-to for next year. This year was kind of a bust for us. Between the lack of rain and far too many weeds, we've decided to go with garden boxes next time that are closer to the house. Right now I just pout when I see other people's beautiful gardens, and console myself with chocolate :P
You have inspired me!
We planted tomatoes and peppers again this year in our outdoor vegetable garden. But lately, it has been neglected (we were out of the country for 2 weeks) and now there are weeds and the plants are in desperate need of water during the hot summer. I need to give them a little more attention that I have been able to recently!
Hopefully I will have good pictures to share soon :)
Wow! That garden is amazing!
that is some garden, consider me impressed!
This is a ridiculously awesome garden!
I absolutely love gardening, being that most of my childhood was spent on a farm in Tennessee. Kids who garden are more than twice likely to eat the recommended servings of vegetables a day? That alone is reason enough to involve my son in my gardening, being that he is the picky-est eater ever. I think I just got lucky, and really only got his attention with helping gardening because I told him he can show off and use his strong muscles (the boy is obsessed with super heroes right now) while dragging the mulch, the plants, etc over and spreading the mulch out in the bed.
[...] ago, we were full of hope as we opened packets of seeds from Cubits and planted them in trays. We watched as they grew from sprouts to seedlings to plants. We tried to be patient as the little green tomatoes appeared, grew, and eventually (oh so slowly) [...]
Wonderful garden and I really hope that you do post some after photos! I love using raised garden beds to plant vegetables its just easier in my opinion. Thanks for sharing all your photos!