Breastfeeding...just because

Do you ever poke around on flickr? Most of the pictures I use for posts on this blog are from flickr creative commons photos. I love the beautiful imagery that people make available for public use. In particular, because I think the world needs more breastfeeding imagery, I always like to find beautiful breastfeeding pictures to go along with my content. So today, I'll share a few just because. Enjoy.

Source: various brennemans on flickr

Source: Tareq Salahuddin on flickr

Source: Ben Klocek on flickr

Source: Christy Scherrer on flickr

Source: various brennemans on flickr

Source: Tareq Salahuddin on flickr

Source: Ben Klocek on flickr

Source: Christy Scherrer on flickr
Reader Comments (12)
i did a year long photo project of my little guys first year. so there are more than a few bfing photos. this one was the first, and if you read the text, a pretty good feel for the first weeks of babyhood;).
Gorgeous photo!!!
Lovely - you the right, the world does need more breastfeeding images.
Made me smile! Thanks!
Beautiful images! I recently had a breastfeeding photoshoot done for a local breastfeeding calendar project. Here is a post in which I included a couple of the images:
Yay for breastfeeding!
Beautiful! =)
That's what I was thinking! Thanks for the smile.
These are beautiful. But not everyone looks this beautiful or graceful breastfeeding. I'm know I don't. Lets see some not so flattering pictures and show the reality that breast is best but not always beautiful.
What a lovely collection of photos.
My mum and I have taken a few everyday photos of me breastfeeding my daughter, often out and about. I want them to be a visible part of our family history.
My absolute favourite is one from when she is 3 days old. It is a close up of her on my breast with her hand gently resting on my breast in it's favourite position that day...with just the middle finger up. The reason I love it? It pretty much sums up how we felt towards the medical staff that day - they did everything in their power to sabotage our breastfeeding success and that was the day they cornered me and told me I was giving her brain damage if I didn't give her formula. Luckily we followed my daughters lead and told them where they could stick their formula.
Over 2 years later and we are still breastfeeding and if she has any form of brain damage then she must have been a freaking genius to begin with as she's well ahead of her peers in most areas.
That first one is so lovely! We have so many photos of our son nursing. As the previous poster said, I want them to be something he can look back at when he is older. And I also want to capture the visual memory for myself too!
Love these! Thanks for the flickr idea. I used to look at breastfeeding pictures from Pinterest lately.