Ages and Stages Survey

An amazing thing is happening. My kids are getting older. Some of my friends are pregnant for the first time, other friends are facing empty nests soon. So many great families at so many different stages. To tailor my content better to my readership, and also so that I can understand how my readership is changing over time, I would love if you could answer a few quick questions. I hope this will help me make the content on the site more relevant to you and the issues and challenges your family is facing.
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Reader Comments (6)
I hope you post the results of the survey - I'd be interested to know about your readership!
Hi Annie! Wondering if you have seen the McLean's article on homebirth that was published recently, and wondering what you think of it? You always have articulate thoughtful posts on stuff like this... =)
How serendipitous that you just posted this poll! I was just thinking this morning about your blog. It seems lately that you are writing less about parenting issues. Instead there's a lot of info about politics (usually about Canada), social issues (usually with a feminist perspective), and what's happening in the blogsphere/internet.
Your recent writing is interesting but it has a less impact on me. Back when your children were babies/toddlers, you frequently wrote about the issues relating to their age group such as breastfeeding, sleep issues, attachment parenting, companies who sell baby products (Nestle, Gerber, ect). When I read these articles, I felt more committed to being a better parent.
I would love to read more of your perspective about parenting your young children and the issues that are unique to their age group.
Thank you for your comment.
I just looked back at my posts over the past few months and most of them have been about parenting, with several being about feeding children/family, some about breastfeeding, some about companies/brands trying to sell to parents and children, some about teaching kids values. Back in April, I wrote several posts on politics (because we were having an election in Canada and, as I do with each election here, I wrote about the family/parenting issues in each party's platform). But otherwise, I think most of the posts have been about parenting. But I do appreciate hearing that you want more of my perspective on parenting young children and would be curious to hear what type of thing you are looking for -- stories, research, ideas?
I do, however, write in other places as well and my writing, for example at, is on a broader spectrum of social justice issues. I'm not sure if you are referring specifically to the blog or if you were referring to my writing in general (which I do share on other platforms that I'm on, like facebook and twitter).
In any case, the feedback is appreciated. Thank you!
Hi, I just wanted to leave a comment to clarify what I submitted for the poll. I am a 23 year old queer woman working on my phd in Women's Studies (research focus: lgbt and queer families, parenting and identities). I have wanted to be a mother since I was seven and my sister was born (at home) but it'll probably be another 5 or so years before I am trying to conceive, as I need to get school done, preferably have a partner or at least a co-parent, and other logistical things...thus in terms of the poll, I am "none of the above," have no children, and while I can't say I want "more" children, as I do not have any, I definitely want children! (So I said, yes to the more children question).
I read your blog because I love reading about parenting and motherhood, particularly in the area of attachment parenting; breast-feeding; homebirth; playful parenting. It all helps me think about the ways I hope to parent when I have children.
I don't remember how I came across this blog, possibly through Raising My Boychick? Whatever the case, it was two years ago that I found it, and I have kept reading...I am interested in pretty much everything you post, and am eager to hear about your own experiences as your children get older.