The Sun Rises in the East and Sets in the West

Yesterday morning, I woke up at 5:00am to head to the airport to go to BlogHer 11 in San Diego, where I will be one of the Voices of the Year. I watched a glorious sun rise as I drove to the airport and watched the sun set as I sat at dinner with friends at the Pier Cafe in San Diego. I've always known that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, but yesterday may be the first time that I got photographic proof of it on one day.

Reader Comments (16)
I wondered if you would be in town! I'm a Canadian living here in SD. Hope you can squeeze in as much of our beautiful city as you can. Looks good so far.
What a glorious sunrise!
Enjoy the West Coast. :)
So beautiful...enjoy the conference!
Lovely pics, Annie - have fun sharing your wisdom!
Lovely, thank you! Have a great time! M/b I will be there next year!
Hey Annie - so enjoyed watching your presentation at BlogHer Friday night. Keep it comin' sistah
Lovely sunrise! I hope you'll share how the conference goes!
amazing photos, love they are from both coasts!
those photos are beautiful!! So happy to run into you a few times - next time i hope to be able to sit and chat. hope you had a great time!
So glad we met. I really appreciate our talks/conversation! xo
It was great meeting you too! I love arriving that extra day early -- it is a great opportunity to meet people and actually have a conversation.
Thanks Anna! Almost from both coasts. The sunrise is from near our home, which is in the east, but not quite on the coast. Just on our little lake.
I can't wait to hear how it went!
Your voices of the year speech could not have come at a better time...I had to meet my husband because my daughter was melting down and needed me, on my way to them I slipped (on chocolate, thanks Mariott hotel!) and sprained my ankle. So there I am planted in front of the TV screens watching your video while nursing my toddler in an outfit that was NOT intended for nursing and trying to elevate my foot while talking to the paramedics..oy! Let's just say I appreciated the message even more!
What a great story Yuliya. Thank you for sharing it with me. I hope your ankle is feeling better!
Thank you so much!