"Because breastfeeding isn't always easy, we're here to help" -- La Leche League Canada

Do you remember back in the summer when I donated $400 towards a La Leche League Canada campaign starring Canadian actor Sitara Hewitt from Little Mosque on the Prairie? Well that PSA has been released.
For more information on the video and to find out how you can help La Leche League Canada spread the important message that they are there to help, check out their post about the National Awareness Campaign.
For more information on the video and to find out how you can help La Leche League Canada spread the important message that they are there to help, check out their post about the National Awareness Campaign.
Reader Comments (13)
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by phdinparenting, Kim, Jennifer Jackson, Dinker & Giggles, Victor Rodriguez and others. Victor Rodriguez said: RT @phdinparenting: New post: “Because #breastfeeding isn’t easy, we’re here to help” new PSA by @LLLCanada [...]
Great ad! I'm just curious - why is there a Brit talking at the end of it?
Thanks for your support for our PSA and awareness campaign!
Regarding the accent at the end of the PSA: We used another voice (other than Sitara's) at the end to bring attention to the contact info. Canadians speak with many different accents and we felt that this particular accent added to the overall diversity of the message.
good psa. thanks for sharing!
Thanks for posting. I finally know how to pronounce La Leche League properly now (I'd been pronounching it à la française).
Great ad! I hope they do something like this in the US! I adore my La Leche League group and still attend regularly even though I don't need the help anymore.
I love the support the La Leche League moms offer. I have been a member for several years and always tell moms who are interested in or struggling with breastfeeding about LLL.
I LOVE this! finally realism - this is HARD
Thanks for posting.
Just a thought: Perhaps change the title to the tagline "Because breastfeeding isn't ALWAYS easy, we're here to help."
What you have is not a correct quote from LLL Canada and makes it seem like breastfeeding is never easy.
Thank you. I must have been typing too quickly in my rush to share with my readers. I updated the title.
Great commercial! We need this here in the States! I remember feeling hesitant to call LLL to hook up with breastfeeding mothers when I had my first baby. It took me TEN MONTHS before I took the leap; even though my MIL was a former LLL leader, and my mother breastfed as well. Simply because LLL had a "bad rep": I thought it was a "hippie" group, only for the uber-crunchy, just stay at home moms, or even super-pushy "weirdos".
Once I FINALLY got over my ridiculous fear, I called a LLL leader, and went to a group. It was the BEST breastfeeding support I received over the next four years - through baby allergies, elimination diets, breastfeeding while pregnant, breastfeeding & working, and tandem nursing. I also was able to *finally* freely talk with people about co-sleeping & attachment parenting. I met our kids' nanny there & found our doula there as well. I learned about things like homeschooling, natural foods, VBACs! It was wonderful, and I recommend it for all new breastfeeding mothers & pregnant moms.
Unfortunately they do have an image problem - people tend to think they are extreme. It wasn't the case in my experinece - and I try to tell women who are hesitant to just go to ONE meeting & see how it is. All groups are different because they are led by different leaders w/different personalities.
Anyhow, I think this video will go a long way towards changing that image - hopefully it will air during a time when people actually will SEE it.
@Kelly - That is one unfortunate thing. LLL does have somewhat of an extreme reputation. We *do* need a campaign like this in the states to de-funk that reptutation! It took me until my daughter was 21 months old and I was pregnant with my son to finally make it a meeting. Boy was I wrong about them! My group is AWESOME - with 5 leaders and a plethora of workers (me being one of them) there is an unending supply of knowledge, wisdom and support.
The reason I went? I was nursing through my pregnancy and wanted facts and support. My son is now 20 months, and even though I no longer need the support I still go. Not for me, but to offer support to those who might be in the situation I was in and don't have the resources in their immediate circle.
Here's hoping something like this makes it our way too!
breast fed kids are more healthy and get sick less