HopTye: Part wrap, part mei tai

This is the carrier I dreamed of when my baby (now 3 years old) was much smaller. I loved my mei tai, but hated how the straps dug into my shoulders after wearing a heavy baby for a long time. I loved my woven wraps, but hated the amount of work that it took to get it tied just right, especially in my preferred back wrap cross carry. And now it exists....the Hoppediz HopTye. It is a mei tai, but the shoulder straps are both the width, length and material of a woven wrap. It creates all sorts of possibilities for tying it, but getting it on just right is just as easy as with a mei tai. Plus I can spread the material out nicely so that it doesn't dig in on any particular spot.
Here are some pics (photography by 5 year old Julian, so a bit blurry):
Here are some pics (photography by 5 year old Julian, so a bit blurry):
Reader Comments (11)
This looks like something I could easily use - I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, a frozen shoulder, and an 18+lb 8-month-old son! I have four carriers already in my collection, and none of them work well for me.
Do you know when one can be bought in the US or Canada?
Thank you!
That's perfect. It's the best if both carriers. I had stopped babywearing because of neck pain but recently got my mei tai back out to try it because I miss it.
YES! If only I had the funds. :)
looks great and very timely as I'm looking for just the right baby carrier. I used a baby bjorn type carrier with my daughter, but found it hard on my back. I love the look of a mei tai but unsure if it's ok for a small baby and how comfy it is. I'm not sure if I might get fed up with a wrap (too complicated), so this looks ideal.
I'm not sure if it can be bought in the US or Canada at the moment, but you should search for Hoppediz suppliers and ask them. Or look on The Babywearer's forums to see if anyone is selling one.
But another option might be to look at a Maya Tie. A friend told me that they are very similar.
I have a Mei Tai like that. I got it off of etsy. I love that the straps go over my shoulders instead of sitting on top digging into them. It's much more comfortable!
Mei tais are great with small babies and very comfy except with really heavy older babies. But I do think that this would be better than a traditional mei tai with a newborn because of the wrappability of it.
Is it wrong to want to have one more baby so I can try out all of the new carriers that have come out since my littlest (almost 3) was born? That's wrong, right? ;)
Thanks for showing off this one. Looks amazing!
It's gorgeous! I sewed mei tais with wrap-style straps for a while. They're my favourites, hands down.
That is awesome! I want one now, even though the little hates being carried right now. LOL
Oooo...drooling! Hard to justify with a dozen carriers and 22 month-old. But if I have #3...
I've been wondering why the mei-tai's don't have wider straps for a while...