Bored in Ottawa? Check out Kids in the Capital

When people have lived in the same place for a long time, they often settle into a routine. They go to the same places with the same friends, filling their calendars with repeat performances. There is a lot of comfort in the familiar, but it can get boring after a while. I know that we often do the same things over and over in Ottawa, but when we were thrown out of our comfort zone and into Berlin for a 4 month adventure, we found ourselves out discovering new things every day -- often things that our friends in Berlin had never heard of before.
If you are getting bored of the same old routine in Ottawa, then it is time for you to check out the group blog Kids in the Capital. This great idea founded by Brie and Lara features great activities and outings with kids in Ottawa, as well as information on play dates (with and without the kids!). For those of you in Calgary, you can check out the new Kids in Cowtown blog too!
In any case, I'm happy to introduce you all to Kids in the Capital today because it is a great blog and because I have a guest post up on our outing to McLaurin Bay last weekend. If you are hoping to get outside with the kids this Thanksgiving weekend, this is a great spot to combine some playing (it has a great playground) with some nature (there is a great short hike through the woods and the bay). Go check out my post on McLaurin Bay along with pictures and a description of what you can find there. If you do check it out, be sure to let me know what you think.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian readers!

In any case, I'm happy to introduce you all to Kids in the Capital today because it is a great blog and because I have a guest post up on our outing to McLaurin Bay last weekend. If you are hoping to get outside with the kids this Thanksgiving weekend, this is a great spot to combine some playing (it has a great playground) with some nature (there is a great short hike through the woods and the bay). Go check out my post on McLaurin Bay along with pictures and a description of what you can find there. If you do check it out, be sure to let me know what you think.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian readers!
Reader Comments (1)
... and if any of your readers are in Toronto or Vancouver I would highly recommend signing up for the yoyomama e-newsletters - a digest of local activities comes out in time for the weekends, as well as a daily fix of the usual parenting news and views.