If you won't listen to me, listen to him

I discovered this great video on Ms. Mary Mack (Nicole)'s blog. Whenever I write about the problems with our food system, with advertising to kids, with formula companies, there are always a few people who think I'm being irrational. If you won't believe me about some of these problems, will you listen to this kid talk about the problems with the food system?
Maybe the breastfeeding community should hire him to put together a presentation on the societal barriers to breastfeeding...
Maybe the breastfeeding community should hire him to put together a presentation on the societal barriers to breastfeeding...
Reader Comments (12)
oh my! He is so cute! What a cool little dude. Great video. Thanks!
If he ever came to my community I would pay to hear him speak! I agree with getting him to put together a breastfeeding presentation.
Pay the organic/local farmer or pay the hospital later---ain't that the truth.
For those of us with a choice between the two, it's important to keep in mind. (My family generally has the ability to pay more for whole foods now in the hopes of reducing health costs later. I don't believe everyone is in the same place as we are, though.)
We have universal healthcare in Canada, so that isn't really a consideration. However, I do think it is reasonable to incorporate more organic foods into our diets without breaking the bank. I posted a list a while back of ways to" rel="nofollow">go organic on the cheap.
Birke Baehr, for president.
Yes it is a consideration because in the end we still pay through higher taxes and premiums.
Also it's not entirely true that health care in Canada is free to individuals. People still have to pay for prescriptions, and eye care, and dental...
This video has been making the rounds on the intewebs. If one is familiar with these issues, or has read Michael Pollan, it's nothing new. But the packaging way cuter than Pollan or Treehugger.
He's incredible. What a charismatic kid! We live in a farming area and there are lots of local farms and farm markets. The food there just smells and tastes so wonderful.
I think it's really important to take these messages to kids and teenagers. It would be nice to see natural childbirth and breastfeeding awareness taught in health classes. If children are comfortable with these things, they will grow into adults who are also comfortable.
I love this kid!!
What a personality... and such an important message.
If only more kids would dream of becoming an organic farmer over a pro football player - wouldn't that be something?
Just read your more recent post on the Nestlé/AAP initiative and was wondering how you keep your faith in the face of such crap. And then I saw this video. Yes, the kid is cuter than Michael Pollan. AND he's the future. Gives me some hope — thanks for sharing!
[...] If you won’t listen to me, listen to him: Listen to a smart kid talking about the problems with our food system. [...]