Book Review: LIFE with Mother

The almost 100 page collection includes:
- regular people and famous people
- old photographs and contemporary photographs
- American photographs and photographs from countries and cultures around the world
- photographs from all stages of motherhood from pregnancy all the way to an elderly woman walking with her even more elderly mother
- joy and pain
- everyday scenes and extraordinary circumstances
The book was recently updated from a previous version and this new 2009 version even includes a photo of Michelle Obama with Sasha as the final photograph.
There are beautiful pictures of families in bed together snuggling and reading. Wonderful images of mothers and their children at play. Many heartwarming moments captured on film. One of my favourites photographs is the one of a Kurdish mother in Israel breastfeeding her baby by Paul Schutzer. The expression on her face and the way she holds her breast make for a stunning photograph. One of my favourite quotes is: "Chance made you my daughter; love made you my friend."
I bought one copy for me and one copy for a friend. I love to sit and leaf through it myself or with my kids, especially on days when I feel my mothering needs some inspiration.
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Reader Comments (8)
your friend adores her copy! xo
I'm so glad! :) I hoped you would.
Wow, must add to my wishlist :)
It IS a truly awesome photograph, thank you for linking it.
Also, you mentioned story telling with your children as a part of their bedtime routine and involving them in making the story and it has so intrigued me. Could you elaborate on this... I would love to add it to our routine but am feeling awkward about trying.
I love your blog and am so grateful for your gentle parenting - you're a great role model!
I love the quote. I better write it down so I remember it.
@natalie: My friend Tara wrote a great post about storytelling recently on her blog and I shared a bit of what we do in the comments. My husband is much better at it than I am, but I try! Here is Tara's post:
More absorbent diapers = fewer diaper changes = increased need for rash cream.
Just my guess, I read a lot of -in-law rants on websites and it's frequently about in-laws leaving LO in the same diaper for hoouurrss because "It's not leaking yet"
Please delete - some how posted on wrong entry