Blogiversary Scavenger Hunt Answers

The Blogiversary contest is officially closed. To see the prizes and the winners, you can go to the contest page. There were 8 people with all the answers correct and 6 of them were lucky enough to get prizes. Thank you to everyone that participated and congratulations to the winners!
A lot of people were curious about the answers. If you want to check your answers against the correct answers, here they are. I have included the answer and a link to the post(s) where the answer or hints about the answer can be found.
There you have it! I hope you all enjoyed the scavenger hunt. Congratulations to the winners and thank you again for reading my blog. It has been a great year and I look forward to many more.
A lot of people were curious about the answers. If you want to check your answers against the correct answers, here they are. I have included the answer and a link to the post(s) where the answer or hints about the answer can be found.
- Which famous feminist is my daughter sitting next to in a picture? If you scroll to the bottom of my post on raising a feminist, you will see my little girl sitting next to Emily Murphy.
- What was on my son’s birthday list? According to his birthday list, my son was going to try apples and salad when he turned 4 (confession: it didn't happen...he changed his mind).
- What month did I blog every single day? In November 2008, I participated in NaBloPoMo and posted every day.
- What song do I have in my head at work? La la la la, la la la la, Elmo's song.
- What country did I visit where attachment parenting hasn’t really caught on? It was France.
- Name one of the principles of attachment parenting. Eight right answers to this one of course, but they are all listed in this post: What is attachment parenting?
- Which well known breastfeeding advocate blogger went silent over the past year? It is Jennifer Laycock, The Lactivist who had one of the few blogs that I read before I started blogging myself.
- Which post of mine has by far the highest number of page views? (more than 3 times as many as the second most popular post). This was the trickiest question and the one that most people got wrong. The actual answer was not on the blog and you needed to make an educated guess. A lot of people guessed Breastfeeding Nazis, which has over 100 comments, but it only has 1,064 page views (it is not even in the top 10). The post with the most page views is Cry it Out (CIO): 10 reasons it is not for us, which has 9,277 page views so far. The places you could have gotten hints about this include posts that moved me, posts that moved you (it was my most popular post at the time, but that was a long time ago) and desperate times, desperate searches (gives an indication of how often people are coming to my blog based on cry it out related searches).
- Which gender is being discriminated against in day cares where I live? It is boys. I wrote about it in my post on the Bias Against Boys.
- What is the topic of the BlogHer Backtalk episode that I participated in? It was breastfeeding.
- Which pump/bottle manufacturer did I complain about? Turns out there were two right answers here! The original answer was Avent (in my post Avent Sucks) and then during the contest I put up a review of the new Evenflo pump.
- Did my daughter have chicken pox or mosquito bites? She had mosquito bites and the poor thing is covered in bites again this year. Read about how to tell the difference between mosquito bites and chicken pox.
- Which company says that breastfeeding is allowed except if it poses a safety hazard? A few people had trouble with this answer too. The correct answer is United Airlines. Some people expressed frustration that they couldn't find the answer in the post When Breastfeeding is a Safety Hazard, but the answer was actually in the post Cover Up! Airline breastfeeding policies.
- Where did I nurse in a Mei Tai? It was at La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain.
- Which baby carrier has lasting value? It is a woven wrap.
- What scares me more: germs or chemicals? Chemicals...absolutely. See Germs versus Chemicals.
- Which organization did I criticize for their stance on co-sleeping? Again there were two right answers here. The one I was thinking of initially was the Ontario Coroner/Pediatric Death Review Committee, which I criticized in faulty logic from the Ontario coroner on bed sharing and in 8.8 deaths per 100,000 population. However, technically it would also be correct to say that I criticized Mirena for its stance on co-sleeping in Mirena follows in Motrin's footsteps.
- What are the four reasons I listed why punishment isn’t effective? I listed them in new reason why punishment doesn't work: the law.
- What was the theme of the carnival that I hosted in April? It was the Carnival of Play. You can check out all of the posts here: Play! Definitive resource on play and parenting.
- How many calories does a woman burn on average if she breastfeeds for 3 years? A whopping 480,000! Find out how many chocolate bars, slices of pizza, etc. that is.
There you have it! I hope you all enjoyed the scavenger hunt. Congratulations to the winners and thank you again for reading my blog. It has been a great year and I look forward to many more.
Reader Comments (5)
That was fun scavenger hunt. The subscription I won was well worth staying up late to find all the answers. Thanks!
That was fun. I was one of the 8 that got them all correct but sadly I didn't win.
Congrats to the winners!
The scavenger hunt was a lot of fun and like Kelly said, the sling I won was definitely worth staying up very late hunting for all of the answers! Thank you so much!! Congrats on your blog's birthday! I love reading it and will come out of lurking and actually make some comments too!
Congratulations winners. I got one answer wrong. It was a fun yet tough hunt.
Annie, I got my sling today -- it's gorgeous -- thank you again!