Happy Blogiversary to Me

One year, 239 posts, 2660 comments. PhD in Parenting is celebrating its one year Blogiversary!
Thank you all for reading, commenting, and sharing the posts. I love the community and sharing ideas and thoughts with all of you. In addition to blogging here and chatting with people on twitter, I've gotten involved with blogging at API Speaks and at MomsRising.Org.
I'm already looking forward to the next year. I have plans to attend BlogHer 09 in Chicago this summer (and will be rooming with the fabulous Amy from The Crunchy Domestic Goddess). It will be fabulous to meet many of the bloggers that I've connected with and to learn more about getting the most out of my blogging experience. I hope to inspire more change, to discover more resources to help me be a better parent, and find new and interesting things to share with all of you.
Please celebrate with me!
- If you want to give me a gift ;) I'd love to know what your favourite post was or what you would like to see more of next year.
- If you'd love to win some great prizes, check out the contest page to find out what is up for grabs and how you can win.
Image credit: hoyasmeg on flickr
Reader Comments (19)
I'm new to your blog, so I can't give you a favorite post yet. But congrats!!!
And now I'm gonna look around.
Congrats on the blogiversary! I've been loving your tweets and I'm enjoying going back through your posts. Yay for you!
Happy blogiversary!
And I loved the whole Carnival of Play. That was fabulous and inspiring. Best wishes for many more years of great blogging. :)
Congratulations! I regularly refer my friends to your excellent blog. It's difficult to choose, but I would say your posts on discipline (My Discipline Spectrum, etc.).
Happy day of blog bith!
Ill like to see more book reviews and more on discipline.
erm, blog biRth. lol
Congrats. I love the 'When it is not Breast' post because you write clearly and consisely things I think but don't have the skill to put it down. You often do that, that is just a recent example :)
Congratulations! I enjoy reading your posts regularly.
Carnival of Play was a great idea!
Congrats!! We do love your blog over here!
I can't believe it's only been one year! You've really taken off since I started reading you, not long after you started up. I find all of your posts informative, well-written and timely. If I had to pick a favourite it would be your series on co-sleeping because you really did a good job of laying out the facts in an easy-to-read and intelligent way. I also love your posts on breastfeeding.
Happy blogiversary!
Happy blogiversary!
Cheers to you! Amazing you've accomplished all of this in just a year! You must be going for your PhD!
CONGRATS! I like the book reviews!
Can't wait to meet you at BlogHer! And Amy!!! What a great roomie you have!
Happy Bloggiversary!!! Another vote for the Carnival of Play :)
Happy Anniversary, happy anniversary, happy anniversary, haaaaaaapy anniversary [think flintstones)
Congrats on hitting 1 year. Only just discovered you via twitter but I'm looking forward to the next year of posts.
happy blogiversary to you! here's to many more years of educating and pushing the envelope. :)
Congrats on a wonderful year of blogging - and hoping there's many more in store for you!
Annie, I'm thrilled with what you've built here - you should be so proud, I know you've put a lot of work into this blog! Congratulations on your anniversary.
My favorites have been your responses to to the Rosin articles - well argued and passionate without being narrow-minded. Your commitment to respecting the choices other women make, while ensuring that those choices are informed ones, really shone through.