IComLeavWe November 2009 on speed

Last November I participated in NaBloPoMo, which is National Blog Posting Month. That means I put up a post every single day. It was a great way to recharge my blogging batteries and just get a bunch of ideas that I had been percolating out there.
This year, I'm tired. I've been putting a lot of energy into my job and into all the Nestle posts (about a dozen of them so far). I have ideas and drafts for several in depth research based posts, but don't have the energy to write them right now. While I've been focusing on all of that, I've been neglecting my Google Reader. I've been neglecting to go to the blogs of the people who comment regularly on my blog.
So next week, I hope to give back a bit. To get back into the spirit and practice of commenting on other people's blogs. To visit blogs I haven't visited in a while. To be inspired by all of your ideas.
IComLeavWe is pretty simple. The idea is that every day during the week of the 21st to the 28th of the month, you leave 5 comments on other people's blogs and reply to one comment on your own blog. Sounds easy right? But I never take the easy route...
There are 122 blogs in my Students of Parenting blogroll. During the week of November 21 to 28, I am going to endeavor to visit them all (that's 17 blogs per day) and leave comments on as many of them as possible. If there are some that I find particularly interesting, inspiring or even maddening (Curious Parent is on my blogroll afterall), I'll try to share them here too with a link and maybe some rambly thoughts.
Can I challenge you too? I'd love to see you participate in IComLeavWe. I'd love it even more if you would try to vist some of the great blogs on my Students of Parenting blogroll and leave comments there.
Who's in?
Reader Comments (19)
I saw a post about the IComLeavWe on NaBloPoMo :) Whew, say that 3 times fast! I thought I'd give it a try. I'm also doing NaBloPoMo so it might be a bit much but I'm going to try...the only issue is replying to someone who comments on my blog. I'm not sure how to do that with Blogger, beyond posting a comment after their comment. Plus, the only comments are usually just my husband so...I could just tell him in person LOL
@Carrie: I think it means just replying after someone else's comment on your blog. Some blogs have threaded comments and some don't, but the idea is the same!
Holy acronyms, bat woman! :) Ok, let's give it a try - so Nov 21-28, here I come.
I suck at leaving comments. But I'm going to try, to really really try. And when I fail I can blame you. No, I kid!
This is a very cool idea. One that for me would be much more constructive than NaBloPoMo (which I abandoned after only six days.)
I am in, although I question my sanity. I'm also participating in Nablopomo (although I totally blew it this past week, but I'm not giving up on the rest of the month), and trying like hell to get that blogging gig for Sam-e... not to mention working full time and taking care of the boy. (Suddenly, I feel like I need a nap.)
That's quite an undertaking you're taking on! I am looking forward to cruising through some of the blogs on your blog roll--it's something I've been meaning to do anyway.
Good luck, everyone!
An excellent challenge to your readers!
I thought this blogger had an excellent way to report back the excellent posts they read while exploring BloggerLand.
Great idea. I am often too lazy to come out of Reader but I try and I will try to try a little bit harder. :-)
@Capital Mom: I so wish there was a way to leave a comment in Reader and have it posted directly to the site...that would be very convenient! :)
I am in! Thank you for introducing me to this fantastic project.
I'm in! Thanks for letting us know about it :-)
Girl, I'm in, too! I've felt so out of it this month, which I've found so ironic since it's post-every-freakin-day-month haha. This is great!
[...] is day one of IComLeavWe on speed. As I make my way through over 200 blogs this week, reconnecting and leaving comments, I hope to [...]
Hmm...it seems I've been doing this by default, mainly as an excuse to procrastinate from NaNoWriMo, the other November torture! (And in the US, there's also Thanksgiving...)
Could I entice you to add me to your fine blogroll? But after this week, so you don't have to add me to your commenting duties! ;)
Yesterday I had only one comment even though many people came to my blog from here. Is the Icomleavwe only for people who are parents, or trying to be ? I see that the list contains mainly blogs about fertility and families. Maybe it's a specific comment leaving week ?
Thank you ! Terry Elisabeth
This is an awesome idea, Annie! Phew, I'm tired just thinking about it. Though I won't be capable of playing along during the official time period, I have been thinking of making an unofficial comment-love policy along the lines of leaving X comments for every X I get, or something like that. I had to give up visiting the blogs of every person who comments, which was my previous goal.
what a fun idea! I love visiting blogs and commenting, and discovering new blogs, so I'll definitely try to hit a bunch in your blogroll this week.
@DaniGirl: The official IComLeavWe is not all that daunting - comment on 5 posts on other people's blogs and respond to one post on your blog each day over the course of the week. But I decided this was a long-time coming for me and I needed a bit of a break from original writing and research, so thought that doing IComLeavWe on speed was a good way to step back and give back.
I'll play too. Great idea.