Sphincter Law and Natural Childbirth

I just got my Mothering e-newsletter today and had to post a link to this interview with Ina May Gaskin about Easing Tension and Fear in Natural Childbirth by Understanding Sphincter Law. In particular, I loved this quote:
Try to picture that while you're giving birth! The visual might just make you laugh enough to pop that baby right out.
Geiss: In your estimation, would understanding Sphincter Law improve the chances of easier vaginal deliveries even in a hospital setting?
Gaskin: It would if obstetricians understood. Obstetricians need to have experiences they don't have now, as well as be able to connect birthing to the animal world and not make birthing a procedure. If doctors were asked to lie on their backs, with their feet in stirrups and forced to move their bowels on demand, they might have a different approach.
Try to picture that while you're giving birth! The visual might just make you laugh enough to pop that baby right out.
Reader Comments (2)
Ha, ha, I always remember this from her book. Maybe this is a little personal, but whenever I am in the midst of using the bathroom and my husband wants to start a conversation (privacy is highly overrated!) I think about Ina May and the Sphincter Law!
I gave birth to 3 wonderful children, all came in less than 15 minutes, and I experienced no pain at all.
As a matter of fact it was quite joyful!
I created the Zero Pain Child Birth Blueprint. You can read about it here:
or here
Sophia Nelson