If you wanted to eat a healthy lunch, but had a craving to scarf down two Mars bars instead, would you call the Mars company for advice on how to curb your cravings? If you were trying to get in shape and exercise, but didn't feel like going for your morning run, would you call your couch potato friend who always tries to convince you to skip your workouts and join her on the couch? If you were struggling to remain faithful to your spouse, would you call the hot guy who is always flirting with you at work for advice? If you were struggling with breastfeeding, but really wanted to continue, would you call an infant formula manufacturer for advice?
I hope the answer in all cases is an emphatic "NO!"But if you were an online media property that is trying to turn a profit, would you be willing to sell-out your breastfeeding readers, by feeding them a wolf in sheep's clothing? Would you be willing to partner with Similac, an infant formula company, on your
Breastfeeding Guide?

I wouldn't. But apparently Babble and Similac see nothing wrong with this scenario.
Most of us (including Dou-la-la and I) realize that infant formula companies are not really there to support breastfeeding moms, they are there to sabotage them. The Similac sponsorship of the Babble guide goes beyond simple advertising and takes things to a whole new level. The Common Breastfeeding Problems section of the Breastfeeding Guide is clearly marked as being "brought to you by Similac". It includes a large banner at the top encouraging you to call a Feeding Expert for your baby's breastfeeding problems. They indicate that "lactation consultants" are available, but I doubt they are International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC), since their Code of Ethics would prevent them from working for an infant formula company. The huge ad to the right of the content even encourages you to enter your mobile number so that someone from Similac can text you their phone number, but who knows what else they will do with your phone number.
Want to take action?
If you want to take action against this ridiculous pairing, I have a few suggestions.
Mystery Calls to Similac
The information in Babble's breastfeeding guide is lightweight at best and doesn't even begin to provide true guidance for dealing with breastfeeding problems. So if you are left wanting more, you may be tempted to pick up the phone and call that number for Similac, especially when they are promising lactation consultants and the text of the guide tells you over and over to contact a lactation consultant.
But what is the quality of the advice you would be getting?
I know a few people who have called already today and I have been told that the advice they were given was not necessarily wrong, but it also wasn't complete. They would give people one small tip that might help with a problem, rather than truly assessing the problem or giving full information on possible solutions to the problem.
Do you want to test the quality of the advice that Similac is giving?
If you do, here is what I would suggest:
Tell Babble this is not appropriate
For Similac and the other infant formula companies, this is nothing new. They will do anything they can to get breastfeeding moms to call them and talk to them. They would love nothing more than to have moms think that they will get good breastfeeding advice from them, while attempting to subtly sabotage their attempts at breastfeeding (see, for example, the quality of breastfeeding advice offered by Nestle). So telling them what you think of their marketing campaign may not get you very far.
However, as I've said before, it may be more effective to express our concerns to the intermediaries that help formula companies spread their message. So tell Babble that you do not think it is appropriate for them to have a Breastfeeding Concerns section that is sponsored by Similac because it is deceptive and because it violates the WHO Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes.
You can do this by:
- Sending an e-mail to Babble: Send an e-mail to the Babble CEO Rufus Griscom at rufus@babble.com and copy Alisa Volkman at advertising@babble.com (she is listed on their website as being the contact for advertising).
- Expressing your concern on Babble.com's Facebook page: Tell Babble what you think of its infant formula sponsored breastfeeding guide by leaving a comment on the wall of the Babble Facebook page. You will have to become a "fan" of Babble to be able to leave a comment and need to go to the "Babble.com + Others" tab to see what people are saying about Babble.
I truly hope that this was a mistake by someone who obviously doesn't understand the role that infant formula companies play in trying to sabotage breastfeeding women and that once it is pointed out to them, that they will take down that section and consider linking to some real breastfeeding support websites like La Leche League or Kellymom or others.
Help spread the word
Please help inform people that breastfeeding support from a formula company is not okay and encourage them to put pressure on Babble too by sharing this post with your friends on facebook, twitter, StumbleUpon and elsewhere. Just click on the Share button at the bottom of this post for options on where to share it. Thank you.
Reader Comments (232)
I tried to leave a comment on Babble's facebook page, and it was rapidly deleted. Has anyone else has this experience?
I see your comments there. You need to be on the "Babble.com + Others" tab or the "Just Others" tab to see it. They default for their page is to only show their comments.
So I followed the link trail to see where the breastfeeding advice is coming from. If you click on the big banner that says "Babble Breastfeeding Guide" it's actually a double click ad that takes you to:
towards the bottom of that page is a line that says: "If you have questions related to breastfeeding, a lactation consultant will be available to help you. Lactation consultants are provided by LifeCare, a leading provider of maternity and lactation support programs."
A google on LifeCare shows:
Assuming Similac is using the same service then they are certified lactation consultants. They are getting around the ban of someone working directly for them by using a 3rd party to actually pay the consultants.
So the good news is they are certified lactation consultants. The bad news is they are certified lactation consultants who are providing advice paid for by a formula company. I sure wouldn't trust it!
On an extra note I think it is beyond shameful of babble that I clicked on a link that said in big letters breastfeeding guide and was redirected directly to the formula companies web site!!!
I have received two phone calls from Similac since my daughter's birth. I honestly am not sure how they attained my number but, each time I spoke to them, they asked me if I was breastfeeding, if I was if I ever thought of supplementing.
They asked me if I'd like to know the benefits of formula and the person went on to read off a whole spiel of how great & close to breastmilk their formula is. They asked if I needed help they gave lactation specialists to speak to.
By this time, I was already weary and I said no. The second call was about a month ago and they asked the same questions. I opted out to hear anymore. She agreed and reminded me that there are specialists to talk to if I wanted to.
I'll probably get another call soon. Not once was I asked about breastfeeding and how that was going. Perhaps because I wasn't given a chance whilst listening to ALL the babble of the benefits of formula. Forgive any typos, I'm on my phone!
Thank you for the detective work. The link you provided for LifeCare talks about the "Mothers at Work" program, which is probably different than the support provided for Similac's feeding hotline. However, I wanted more info, so I fired off this message to LifeCare:
I'm thinking it would be good for us not to give this website too many hits, lest they think that they are successfully getting people to view it.
They *called* you?? Ick. I tried really hard not to fill anything out with my address/phone when i was buying anything maternity/baby related before my 1st was born, but I still got plenty of crap from the ped's office (that we no longer go to). The worst I ever got was a free large can of formula powder in the mail, but that was 3 years before I was even pregnant :P
A soliciting phone call has to be on some far side of wrong.
I wouldn't worry too much about it. I think they are going to figure out pretty soon where the traffic is coming from.
@Rose The connection between Abbott Labs (Similac's parent co) and Lifecare came up on the Lactnet message board a few months ago when Similac first started promoting this hotline. The Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) at Lifecare refused to participate as it would be against their code of ethics. Lifecare then trained several people through an online lactation educator course (not nearly enough to even qualify to take the IBCLC exam). Abbott Labs insisted that these people be called "Lactation Consultants" despite the fact they do not have this credential.
This was also written about here: http://www.emeraldcoastbreastfeeding.com/2010/06/29/formulalcs/.
This is so horrifying, calling someone to tell them how great formula is. It really exposes the lie when they say they're trying to help mothers breastfeed. :(
Thank you for clarifying that. I'm so glad to hear that these are not actual IBCLCs and I'm angry that Abbott/Lifecare are passing them off as lactation consultants.
I sent emails to both of the addresses listed. This is such a sneaky tactic, it's shameful. =(
This is so sickening. IMO, the hospitals where you gave birth to plays an important part too. I've seen newborn baby pictures of my friends/relatives and the baby cot/bed they are in are surrounded with ads by formula milk company... even the baby name card was printed with the formula milk company logo :( Brainwashing from day 1?
Oh, would just like to share the link to my latest post, celebrating today, my 18th month of breastfeeding! :)
Reading this leaves such a sour taste in my mouth.
Thank you for this post and a chance to put pressure on these companies for such underhanded marketing moves.
it is not only the existence of these ads in this particular section of Babble's website that is bothersome, but where they are placed, because they are not on every page (breastfeeding problems and supplementing with formula), just the ones where mothers who are vulnerable and in need of REAL breastfeeding advice will click on for help. And of course when they get there, they will find misleading information, which will of course lead them to formula. The other problem that I have is that they use the image of a tiny, sleeping baby, which is usually not what mothers are dealing with when they have feeding problems. They have a fussy baby, that needs help, this picture sends the subliminal message that formula can solve that fussy baby problem, even the ad reads: "I just fed her, why is she still crying?" And the image is of a peaceful, tiny, perfect baby...
I also wonder how Medela feels about this, having Similac ads carefully and deliberately interspersed among its own.
This kind of devious marketing strategy makes me realize how important is it for lactivists to fight for rights of breastfeeding babies and moms. Shame on you Babble and Similac for preying on mothers when they are at their most vulnerable point.
Yes, exactly Amber.
Congratulations on 18 months!
Thank you for making us aware of babble's mis-step.
You might be surprised to hear this, but I'm equally pissed about this.
I actually really liked the intro page to the Babble Breastfeeding Guide; I thought it was the first of its kind to mention topical issues pertaining to infant feeding and the social battle it has inspired. However, considering I wasn't in need of an online breastfeeding guide, and I was reading it late at night, I didn't bother to click through. I'd seen people talking about Similac and Babble that day on Twitter, but I assumed it was about something else, since I didn't see any Similac ads on the page...
But from what you're saying here, had I clicked through, I would have been throwing up in my mouth a little. Ugg, ugg, and more ugg.
What I don't get, is why a formula company would think we're stupid enough to take breastfeeding advice from them. Why don't they give help, advice and support to us formula feeders? God knows we could use it - there are definite risks to improper use/handling of formula and it would be great to have a hotline to call that wouldn't make us feel worse for feeding formula in the first place.
Every time something like this happens, I feel it sets my cause back 50 years. I really hope you guys are able to distinguish between those who feed formula, and those who market formula. Because the latter can really suck eggs.
Glad you are trying to let them know what they are doing is wrong. Keep up the good work.
Makes you wonder how a website that is supposed to be geared towards parenting is so popular. They clearly don't care about their readers. It's all about money to them. It really is very sad.
"I really hope you guys are able to distinguish between those who feed formula, and those who market formula. Because the latter can really suck eggs."
I do make that distinction and have to repeat it over and over and over again. Every time I speak out against formula companies, there is at least one formula feeder who takes it personally. I understand how emotional feeding issues can be, so I understand why people sometimes make the leap. But I hope that once it is explained to them, that most rational people can see the distinction between the two.
The information at http://www.emeraldcoastbreastfeeding.com/2010/06/29/formulalcs/ is not quite accurate. In fact, ANYBODY can call themselves a Lactation Consultant. Your *LC* could be a nurse who took a 2 hr breastfeeding course , a mother who nursed her own baby, or just a well-meaning person who wants to help mothers breastfeed.
That is why it is so important to ask about credentials, to make sure you are getting a genuine International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). To find a local IBCLC, go to www.ilca.org
Thanks! Many more to come! :)
Thank you so much for posting this. I just saw something about it on facebook and I was IMMEDIATELY skeptical. I figured yea the best they would do is help a mom find the nearest store selling their formula. The tactics they use are shameful!!!
Yeah, I think you have nothing to worry about, there. It's pretty clear from your posts where you stand, and I don't think you are disparaging towards bottle feeders.
I just meant that I want you guys to know that just because I fight for formula feeding rights, doesn't mean that I don't think this kind of behavior is disgusting. And I know a lot of my readers would say the same thing. We want all women to be able to feed their children in a healthy, happy manner, and things like this just make that harder, for a myriad of reasons. I hope Babble does something to address this.
Yes I totally agree that this is not encouraging for breast feeding mothers. Just a way to "convert" them. Not cool at all.
I'm one of those formula feeding moms who gets pissed every time I see the ranting on and on about the evils of formula... Do the authors not realize that alot of women are indeed smart enough to weigh and understand the issues and even more who really don't have a *choice*? Contrary to popular belief, it is possible that you can have no other choice and if your child is going to survive, formula is the only solution, we don't have the choice to like it or hate it. So then we feel a) stupid and b) guilty when the rants start about formula.
But I digress and recognize this is not the case in this particular situation and wanted to lend my support to the notion that a formula company offering lactation consulting services that are blatantly thinly veiled marketing tactics is just plain wrong. If they are truly providing breastfeeding support with trained professionals then it may be a somewhat confusing misalignment but maybe not so far-fetched given the prevailing and unarguable wisdom that breast is best these days. However, it doesn't sound like this is the case this time and that's shameful.
For the record, it was the lactation consultant that tipped us right over the formula ledge when she made me feel horrible and guilty that I could provide for my child, so even the certified ones don't always get it right.
Good luck in your effort to help Babble see the mistake.
I will say that as a formula feeder (and outspoken one at that), the intro to this article starting off with Mars bars really rubbed me wrong. I guess you introduced three unhealthy habits and then added formula to the bottom, so in that regard, I do think there is a subtext.
While I think that Similac is probably off base here, I think it's probably the same thing that Realtors do to those selling their house by owner. Put their name out there so that if what the sellers are doing doesn't work, they look to a name they already know. It's marketing. Not that it's right and certainly with this topic, it would behoove the formula manufacturers to really be extra sensitive and careful, but I'm not sure it's as malicious and underhanded as it's always made out to seem. Though I'm sure that I'll be labeled as naive for that opinion.
(And FWIW, I never thought I would formula feed, but life circumstances and a major illness created the perfect storm of problems. Please, other commenters, don't try to cast me as someone who's been duped by the formula companies.)
Wow. How could Babble not have seen this coming? I think their ad sales/marketing people are not working in conjunction with their editorial staff. I can't wait to hear their response.
I left a comment on babbles facebook page. I received the coupons and 2 canisters of formula shortly after my little one was born. Although I had problems with latching I worked hard with pumping. I kind of feel though that I am some what of an oddity. I was strongly discouraged by the lactation consultant that I went to see and my pediatrician's office to exclusively pump. A few days after birth I told a male pediatrician that had come in to tell me about my daughter that I may just exclusively pump he told me I'd quit after 4 months. Well, I haven't quit and I have been exclusively pumping for nearly 12 months without ever supplementing. I feel that there is no support given to us just pumping moms. That being said I would never trust a formula company to give me any support whatsoever to encourage me to keep on going. I have getting ads, samples and coupons in the mail for the next step in formula from similac but I will keep on pumping on- as far as my Hygeia EnJoye will take me.
Seriously! Their marketing tactics directly drive up the price of formula for those of us who need it, which in turn leads to unsafe formula feeding practices when parents can't afford to give their babies a full dose of formula and end up watering it down instead.
So glad you support this post! I hope you will write Babble's CEO, your voice as a formula-feeding mom and as a leader of other moms is extremely important.
I stopped reading Babble several
months ago because I was disgusted
with their treatment of any issues breastfeeding related and how focused in stupid celebrity gossip it had become. I will be sure to pass along this info to my breastfeeding community.
It's so sad the lengths that companies will go just to make a dollar, or two. When will it all end?
I'm sorry it rubbed you the wrong way. I was trying to think of examples where people might be trying hard to do one thing, despite being tempted to do another.
I do think that formula companies are malicious and underhanded and have unfortunately seen a lot of evidence of it over the years. I would never cast someone who formula feeds as having been duped by the formula companies because each story is different, but there is evidence that on the whole formula company practices are part of the reason that moms end up trying formula and eventually quiting breastfeeding.
Well, I took your challenge and I called them. I am floored by this whole issue, so I fully expected to be infuriated when I got off the phone, but oddly enough that was not the case.
The initial call was with a disturbingly chipper hotline operator, who had lots of questions for me. She took my info, and told me a LC would call me back, and she did...within about 5 minutes. I chose to present the consultant I spoke to with a problem that I had actually had. My supply dipped suddenly when my son was 6 months, and I was frantic because I thought I was losing my milk altogether. As it turns out, my LLL leaders helped me figure out that my son just didn't need much milk at that stage and was going through crazy developmental spurts learning to sit, stand and crawl in about 2 weeks. I took him to bed to nurse all night, and my supply came back.
When I posed this question today, I fully expected to be told to supplement with formula. But I was given the following advice: Drink more, eat more protein, eat oatmeal, eat quinoa, take fenugreek and blessed thistle, ask Dr about Reglan, and keep removing milk so more will be made.
It was pretty elementary info, I thought, and it didn't address a lot of things that it could have, but there was no mention of formula at all. (Maybe they are just being careful right now?) I was shocked. But even so, I can't say I feel any better about the whole Similac/Babble deal. I still find it just as disturbing.
I was confused this week when Similac sent me two large samples of formula out of the blue. I thought they had given up months ago as my baby is 14 months old. I flipped through their feeding guide and tossed it in the trash. I don't know why they are so persistent with the samples. It is obvious I will never use their product.
If you think Similac is bad Enfamil's tactics and lack of sensitivity are worse. My friend lost her baby late in the second trimester and they kept sending her formula samples. When she called and asked them to stop telling them her baby died and it is painful to keep getting stuff like that in the mail the customer service rep asked her if she was really sure she wanted to be taken off the list since she could use the samples for her next baby. I was floored by that one.
If ever I needed another confirmation that breast is best brings me to my close friend who FF her children from birth the youngest is 2 weeks old and already suffering from a bout of the flu. My son was not sick until he was over 12 months old. I understand the formula companies just want to sell their products any which way...but why isn't the govt's in each country stepping in to properly counter-act all the mis-information out there
I know this is true, that ANYONE can call themselves a lactation consultant - and it drives me nuts! Can just anyone call themselves a doctor? No, that's fraud, right?
Would it be worth putting activist effort into regulating this?
"What I don’t get, is why a formula company would think we’re stupid enough to take breastfeeding advice from them."
Well, I think the thing is that it's only partly about sabotaging moms who are actively seeking breastfeeding information and help. I think the meta-purpose of this is ultimately all about PR and perception of them as a company. "Look! They're the good guys! They're just trying to HELP! Those breastfeeding zealots are just mean to criticize us. How can you say their motives are suspect? They give FREE breastfeeding advice. They're practically a charity!"
"Why don’t they give help, advice and support to us formula feeders? God knows we could use it – there are definite risks to improper use/handling of formula and it would be great to have a hotline to call that wouldn’t make us feel worse for feeding formula in the first place."
Continuing on the above thought, I have to wonder if the reason they don't promote pages and pages of formula troubleshooting advice, support and a hotline is because of the *perception* factor as well. They clearly want to emphasize how difficult and painful and peril-fraught breastfeeding is (while polishing their haloes). If they offered the same resources to formula feeding moms, it might give the impression that it's not effortless, risk-free and problem-free.
And i agree that a lot more information should be given for moms who need formula! Lite Bettina, I think you should contact them as well - your voice is very important in this conversation. Thank you for weighing in!
I think the whole idea is to build a relationship with the person so that (and going by statistics of BF rates) when the time comes to choose a formula this brand will be the one picked...as they have been so helpful in providing BF advice their formula must really be the closest to breastmilk.
At this time, the IBCLC's professional association in the USA (USLCA) is working to have all IBCLCs licensed. This would ensure that only IBCLCs could use the term *Lactation Consultant.*
Unfortunately this is proving to be a very complicated and prolonged process. In the mean time, we need to educate mother to ask about credentials, and encourage IBCLCs to also use the initials RLC (Registered Lactation Consultant) after their name, e.g.
Norma Ritter IBCLC, RLC
Thanks for this article! I'm going to let them know just what I think about it.
The overview talks a lot about the "unreliability" of breastfeeding statistics -- is that accurate, or just an attempt to get "unreliable" and breastfeeding in the same sentence? Then again, the connotation of the words used is pretty clear; the talk about breastfeeding with words like "contentious," "complicated;" there are "ambiguities" and advice is :"conflicting."
If a tired mom is just skimming this, she's likely only gonna hold on to a few words -- should the words be as nurturing as possible?
I'm sending them an email.
(I was also surprised to see that they included the decreased risk of SIDS in breastfed babies; isn't that kind of like saying, "Our product is more likely to bring harm to your child?")
Oh, and I just noticed that they refer to extended breastfeeding as a "trend." I don't know about y'all, but trend to me implies a passing fad, something that's popular now but will fade once people realize how silly they're being. =/
There is very reliable data on the benefits of breastfeeding and there is also unreliable data. Those who want to pretend away the benefits of breastfeeding and risks of formula focus solely on the unreliable data. I wrote about some of the substantiated claims on the benefits of breastfeeding here: http://www.phdinparenting.com/2009/05/14/the-scientific-benefits-of-breastfeeding/
Thanks; when I went to the breastfeeding class when I was pregnant, I couldn't recall ever being told, "Well, we can't know for sure..." I don't think the word "unreliable" belongs anywhere near the topic of breastfeeding; it's possibly the most comforting and consistent thing that we've done in the past 18 months.
Also, I just read the paragraph about how mothers who breastfeed longer than 6 months make less money in their future careers than those who do it less or not at all. My blood boils. The whole overview is, "These are all the difficult and 'controversial' things about breastfeeding -- still wanna keep at it?" It's a little sick.
And my formula fed son wasn't sick until after 12 months either.
I posted a link to you on FB and wrote about your post here:
Thank you for bringing this to everyone's attention!
For many, breastfeeding IS complicated. There is a great discussion on the Fearless Formula Feeder's blog about increasing conversation before birth about potential complications of breastfeeding.