My babywearing stash (outgoing and staying)

As part of the Babywearing Stash link-up over on Adventures in Babywearing, I am sharing some pics of my current babywearing stash with you all. My baby is now 2 and I'm certainly not using them all on a regular basis and I'm getting ready to shed some of them.
The first six should be on their way out soon. They are:
The remaining four are going to stick around for a while yet:
The first six should be on their way out soon. They are:
- Red cotton hotsling
- Storchenwiege Inka 4.1m
- Custom denim ring sling
- Storchenwiege Albert 4.6
- Custom flower mei tai
- Red fleece hotsling
The remaining four are going to stick around for a while yet:
- Catbird Baby Pikkolo
- Hoppediz Antigua
- Mama kangaroo ring sling
- EllaRoo Mei Tai
Reader Comments (34)
is inka well broken in? just askin'. you know...
Sometimes I joke that I had a second child so that I could use my baby carriers again. It's sort of sad when toddlers outgrow them. Although my preschooler still loves to be carried occasionally, it's not the same.
And I love the Albert. It came out right after I bought my Vicky Storch, and I had total buyer's remorse. It's just so vibrant, it makes me think of sunshine and happiness. :)
wow. Thats a lot of babywearing goodness. I keep thinking I need to get off my rump and try to make a mei tai because the pouch i wear him in gets a little hard on my back at times. i'm sure it's just not properly smoothed over the back or something, but i keep thinking a more even distribution of weight would be better. which types have been your favorites?
oooh love Storchenwiege - both of them.
I may need some baby wearing tips from you when by next one comes along. I only used a ring sling and a bjorn, and I wasn't even great with those. I am hoping to wear this baby more than I did my last 2.
@robin: Yup! :) I bought it off of TBW.
shoot. always wanted to try inka. do i have anything you want? trade trade trade......
@robin: I'd love something in pinks/browns...either a wrap or MT.
@robin: Not quite what I'm looking for...sorry.
eva? if not then i fold...
@robin: No, sorry...I'm getting picky as I wind down my stash.
Would love to take the 4.6 storch off your hands...
Okay...evidently I need to get my act in gear and figure out some prices here! I did offer "first dibs" to a local friend and I have e-mailed her the link. Once I hear back from her, I'll have to figure out how to auction these babies off...
I am dying to try a Mei Tai. Are they really great?
@Maria: They are wonderful! :) Are you going to BlogHer? Will you have a baby with you? I could bring an MT for you to try.
i totally understand picky. enjoy!
Your stash is lovely! I love your Albert one, too. Those colors are so happy!
These photos are a great way to showcase your stash! I have a Pikkolo out on loan, too. What is your plan for "shedding" the ones you don't use? I don't know how to part with mine but know there is no need to have so many not in use.
I love you in the Antigua Hoppediz! Gorgeous!
That Inka is also mighty lovely lookin. You aren't in the market for a lt blue MayawrapRing Sling used about 3 times, I suppose?
@jane: No, sorry. DD is getting too big for one-shouldered carriers, which is why I'm selling most of them off. I'm only keeping the one RS for sentimental reasons and for possible use with grandchildren one day.
@Adventures in Babywearing: I'm hoping that I can find a way to shed them through friends, twitter, and blog. I have done the FSOT forums on The Babywearer before and I just find it so exhausting and then a real let down if you get tons of inquiries and don't end up with a sale. I just don't have time to babysit the thread over there if you know what I mean. Sigh...
Beautiful collection! You are one great babywearing mama! Love the pictures!
when not using thrm i would try loan them but dont think id like to be sepersted from them
I wish that I had worn my son. I never did. He was such a happy baby. He was always content to be on the floor in his activity gym. He would play for hours and then when he wanted to be held I would just hold him and play with him (because I always got stuff done while he was down) but now that my daughter is more demanding than that I see the joy. And it makes me sad that I did not with him. oh well, live and learn right. My next baby will be worn whether she is content to be put down or not.
Love it!! You have such a gorgeous stash!
Okay, for those that are interested, I finally got around to figuring out prices (includes shipping to Canada or the United States, prices are in Canadian dollars for Canadians and US dollars for Americans, with the exchange rate covering the difference in shipping costs):
* Red cotton hotsling - Size 7 - $15
* SOLD! Storchenwiege Inka (multi-colour) - 4.1m - $60
* Custom denim ring sling - $30
* SOLD! Storchenwiege Albert (orange)- 4.6m - $75
* SOLD! Custom flower mei tai - long body and long straps - $25
* Red fleece hotsling - Large - $15
For anyone going to BlogHer 09 in Chicago, I'll give you $5 off if you let me know before end of day Wednesday that you want me to bring it with me for you.
For anyone not going to BlogHer, we can work out details on shipping, etc. when I get back next week.
Albert Storchenwiege is sold!
I will take the inka!
The flowery Mei Tai is sold now too.
Wow! I thought I had a lot of baby carriers (Hotsling, Moby Wrap, Pikkolo and Scootababy)! I love my Pikkolo. Just wondering if you have tried any babywearing coats/jackets/vests and if there's anything you'd recommend?
Does anyone have a Storch Inka 4.6 I can have please???????????
[...] some: In my post on my babywearing stash, I finally got around to listing some of my carriers for sale. It was hard. But it became much [...]
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