Things you should read...

I've read some things this week that made me nod. Things that made my jaw drop. Things that you should read. They aren't really connected in any logical way that I could tie together, so I'll just throw them at you. Go read them!
What do you think of these issues? What have you read this week on parenting issues that is worth sharing, tweeting, stumbling and shouting from the rooftops?
- Ready to piss off a mom blogger? Seek a pregnant woman to consume BPA lined canned good: Yes, as crazy as it sounds. In a secret meeting that is no longer so secret, industry was talking about all sorts of tactics they could use to convince people of how great BPA is. Read @thesmartmama's take on it.
- Babble Talk: The Cult of the Bad Mother: I loved this reaction by Shannon LC Cate to Katie Allison Granju's article on the Cult of the Bad Mother. Is it the "in" thing now to be a bad mother? Is that a good thing? The original article is linked from this one. Read them both. It is very worthwhile.
- You Can’t Call Yourself a Family-Friendly City if You Treat Childcare as a Non-Issue - Part II of III: Parenting author Ann Douglas wrote a three part series of posts on the decision in a Toronto neighbourhood to not allow any more day cares to open up. This second part analyzes the way that society pretends to be child-friendly, but is really anything but. You can also read the first part and the third part of the series.
What do you think of these issues? What have you read this week on parenting issues that is worth sharing, tweeting, stumbling and shouting from the rooftops?
Reader Comments (3)
Loved #2! Now I'm quite curious about "Free Range Kids"!
@Alina: I wrote a bit about the book and the blog Free Range Kids in this post:" rel="nofollow">Is unstructured play too dangerous?
[...] bad mothers. Is bad good or is bad bad? I linked to one of the discussions on this issue in my post yesterday and the newspapers seem peppered with them the past few days [...]