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My friend over at Noble Savage posted this fabulous public service announcement on breastfeeding in public. Watch it! Share it! Convince your local public health agency to put one like it on the air!
Updated to say check out this great Australian one too (thanks to Rob A for point it out in the comments):
And another update with this great video by babyREADY:
Updated to say check out this great Australian one too (thanks to Rob A for point it out in the comments):
And another update with this great video by babyREADY:
Reader Comments (57)
I have also had some amazing health benefits from breastfeeding. I am a mother of five and I developed gestational diabetes which then became type 2 diabetes. I am currently breastfeeding my two youngest children, one is 8 months old the other is 32 months old. Since I began tandem breastfeeding my weight has just dropped off me despit eating large amounts of food. Bcause I eat so much I am able to really pack the nutrients in. I am currently the healthiest I have been in years. I am the slenderest I have been in years as well. I have more energy, my mind is clearer and despite great upheaval in my life am happy and emotionally balanced. I am not currently requiring insulin either. In general, I feel great! And everyone says I look the best I have in years.
All this is of course in addition to the benefits to my children who are both thriving. I also don't have the problems of sibling rivalry that often happen with two babies in two years. There are really no negatives to breastfeeding. there is no "choice". there is no "debate". it is the correct and proper and normal way to feed a child, period.
do you have a debate about the pros and cons of breathing versus living in an iron lung? do you have a debate about the pros and cons of having working kidneys versus living attached to a dialysis machine? do you have a debate about the pros and cons of going to the bathroom yourself versus having bags attached to holes in your body to catch your waste? NO. sounds ridiculous doesn't it? is it a "choice" to decide whether to use your own heart or get a donor transplant? NO. doesn't that sound even more RIDICULOUS?! yes. Why? because it is suggesting that a medical intervention is as good as being a normal healthy human. formula is NOT a lifestyle choice. it is a medical intervention, just like a transplant, or catheter, or dialysis. no-one would "choose" those. no-one would ever "choose" formula either if it wasn't for the billions of dollars that formula companies spend convincing doctors, families and mothers that formula is just a lifestyle choice. don't fall for their lies!
at least you are intelligent enough to look for answers! your baby will have the benefit of an intelligent and discerning mother who chooses to seek out and find the truth. and THAT is the best choice of all! GOOD FOR YOU!
This has to be some of the worst anti-breastfeeding propaganda I have read in a very long time. Everyone else has already commented in replies much better than I ever could. I just hope you aren't involved in a profession where you can damage mothers and their children with this bad information.
Now I read down and see that you have asked for more information. I wish you the best.
We don't have problems with NIP here in Manila. The problem lies as to the confidence of the Mom to NIP. It takes a lot of courage to NIP here but that's actually the challenge I give to myself.
[...] for some additional, great videos, see this post. Filed Under: Breastfeeding Tagged With: anti-breastfeeding, breastfeeding, breastfeeding basher, [...]
Cinnamon is way off! How do you think we survived as a human race? Hint: There were no "formula trees" popping out of the ground back in the day. Mothers breastfed! "bad milk" is something doctors told some mothers they had in the '50s and those same moms, who ended up supplementing, are regretting the day they listened to those stupid doctors. My breastfed 13 month old has yet to be sick and is well above average on the ht/wt chart. She is still primarily breastfed and independent! I was breastfed and joined the Army and turned out okay myself! Imagine that.
Cinnamon, when are you going to mind your own business? As far as I can tell, Allie and her sweet child never asked for your input. What's it to you? I could go on about how in many cultures, people nurse their babies until 3 or 4, but there is nothing to defend here.