More strange bedfellows: WebMD Breastfeeding Guide Sponsored by Gerber (Nestle)

Yesterday I wrote about conflict of interest in allowing sections of its Breastfeeding Guide to be sponsored by Similac. I know that formula companies engage in predatory marketing practices on a regular basis, but I hoped that Babble was an exception in terms of taking them up on their offer to sponsor a breastfeeding guide.
Turns out I was wrong. I was informed by Elita from Blacktating and Kelly from Kellymom on facebook, that the WebMD Breastfeeding Guide is sponsored by Gerber Good Start (one of the Nestle brands).To some extent, I find this more reprehensible than the Babble/Similac sponsorship, since WebMD pretends to be a medical website versus just being a magazine style fluff website (but at least they aren't suggesting parents call Gerber for breastfeeding help...what was Babble thinking? GAH!).
How many Gerber ads can you count on that page? I count at least 6.
As with Babble, WebMD insists that content and advertising are separate. However, like with Babble, the breastfeeding advice is far from stellar. For example, in their Expert Q&A Tips on Breastfeeding, there are sentences like:
- "In terms of how often and how long to nurse, I advise new moms to do 10- to 15-minute sessions on each breast. At the same time, I encourage them to nurse frequently -- every three to four hours or so -- to build up milk supply. Also, colostrum, the early milk, is very nourishing, so I like to see the baby get plenty of that." [NOTE: How about nursing on demand? Best way to get supply established and baby nursing well]
- "Nipple confusion is actually pretty uncommon" [Not really]
I'm sure others can find plenty of other examples, but those are two I pulled from just looking at one article for less than five minutes. I didn't even bother clicking through to the Gerber stuff, because I know how horrible Nestle's breastfeeding advice is.
Taking action
Do you want to let WebMD know what you think of its breastfeeding advice and/or its partnership with Gerber (Nestle)?
- Contact WebMD: I can't find contact info for the editors of the Breastfeeding Guide or the Health and Baby Center that it is part of. Nor can I find contact info for the CEO Wayne Gattinella. If anyone else can, please let me know and I'll update the post. There is, however, a generic contact form for Web MD where you can send an e-mail. They must get a lot of questions about their sponsors, since there is a link to info on that right on the contact form.
- Post on facebook: Post on WebMD's facebook page letting them know what you think of their breastfeeding guide being sponsored by a formula company. They don't seem to allow wall posts, but they do allow comments on their postings, so I guess posting on a somewhat related or unrelated article is the only option. Updated to add that if you "Like" the WebMD page, you can create and/or participate in a discussion. There was a discussion started there on this issue and you can add your thoughts to it.
- Blog it: Write something on your own blog, tweet about it, or write a facebook note.
Any other suggestions? Let me know. There has to be a way to stop this incredibly unethical and predatory infant formula marketing on websites pretending to offer breastfeeding support. It is sickening.
Reader Comments (44)
Just left this comment on your FB post, but thought I'd put it here, too. You're right, WebMD doesn't allow 'others' to leave comments on their Wall. But. If you 'like' them you'll have access to starting a new topic on their 'discussions' tab. I just started a topic asking about why they're allowing formula companies to advertise on/sponsor their breastfeeding page. Others can join that discussion, or start their own new topics to pose the question or announce their displeasure.
I'm still learning about the Nestle boycott and all of the issues surrounding it. I put back a bag of Tollhouse chocolate chips today and picked up the generic kind instead, which made me proud! This post just inspired me to speak up about a recent Nestle pairing that has been disturbing me. I am a huge fan and supporter of the organization Reading Is Fundamental, and often try to participate in and promote many of their corporate partnership programs which help RIF raise money for their important programs. However, I just saw that they have a new one with Nestle ( I'm working on crafting an e-mail regarding their partnership with Nestle, but I am a little intimidating. Any tips on addressing this issue with an organization you really trust and respect? I think I'll reread some of what you wrote about BlogHer, because I think they might be relevant. Thanks for bringing this important issue to my attention!
Thank you so much for writing about this. I cringe every time I watch Good Start advertisements on television, with the beautiful baby touching complex formulas and the voice-over explaining how brilliant formula makes them. I've posted this link on my personal facebook and my blog's fb page, and will be visiting the WebMD fb site right now. Every bit of this is wrong, wrong, wrong.
That advice reminds me of when my mother-in-law told me how when my husband was a baby, she was told by her pediatrician to nurse him only every FOUR hours. Suddenly all the stories of how skinny he was as a baby, and how he cried all the time, made sense... =(
Bad/Incorrect breastfeeding advice (undermining mothers' breastfeeding experiences)? Check.
Page COVERED in formula ads? Check.
Subliminal reinforcement of bottles as the norm for feeding? Check (right hand sidebar titled: Feeding Baby Essentials. Three links next to a prominent photo of an artificial nipple).
Yeah, I can see how strongly supportive they are of breastfeeding. /sarcasm
Don't get me wrong, I fully believe formula is a great thing for when there is a medical need. But claiming to support breastfeeding while advertising formula and sabotaging breastfeeding with false info, that's revolting.
It's like the most devious ploy Don Draper ever devised." rel="nofollow">So I went there. It's not really a laughing matter at ALL, but satire's where my mind tends to go.
That Q&A tip section is just awful. I'm embarrassed for the doctor who gave the interview and for the claims to have reviewed the content.
They say that "nipple confusion" (I prefer "nipple preference") is so uncommon. Then why do they write that the baby will have trouble accepting a bottle if it's not introduced early enough? If that's true, can't the preference happen the other way? If a bottle is introduced too early, can't the baby have trouble accepting the breast...leading to decreased nursing which results in decreased milk supply? They then go on to say that the bottle shouldn't be introduced "too soon." If they're recommending that it be done at 21 days, what's "too soon?"
The information they share on the mother's diet is contradictory, too.
I really had to roll my eyes at, "It turns out that LLL has excellent advice for weaning an older child, which is kind of surprising." You know, because one would assume that those crazy LLL people don't want you to EVER wean your child...until they go off to college.
Shame on you, WebMD!
Yes, their "breastfeeding expert" is obviously a huge supporter of breastfeeding:
"I also tell these parents that my formula-fed babies turned out just fine -- they're healthy and smarter than I am!" (on page 3)
They used to have a "which is better for the environment: cloth or disposable diapers" page that was prominently sponsored by huggies (specifically huggies "environmentally friendly" diapers). But I can't find it anymore. I know that that page caused a big uproar on facebook, so hopefully that was enough to get them to take that page down. I have my doubts that WebMD will end their relationship with Nestle though. Its a free site and Nestle surely gave them more money than a little boycott could take from them :(
Just a heads up people, breastfed babies are actually the ones who tend to be more overweight and they lack the nutrients the mother doesn't consume (remember, unless you eat 100% correctly, which most don't, you're missing things). I've seen formula fed babies vs. breastfed babies on MANY occasions and guess what, you can't tell the difference!! You people believe a lot of nonsense. Studies comes out all the time and later on turn out to be WRONG. The best thing for baby is to be breastfed AND formula fed, a combination of the two.
Is it possible that formula-fed babies DO turn out fine?! I've yet to see a mass die off of all the formula fed babies from earlier in the century. And it seems that we have plenty of doctors. Or are they only the BF babies?
I don't want to hijack your blog, so I promise to limit my commenting, but responses like this, to me, are so off base.
Where are your studies to back that up? I certainly don't buy into a lot of the hype and media conclusions of many of the studies, but your position seems to be purely anecdotal, which is a bit off base as well.
No Chris, not at all. Breastfed babies are sometimes larger at first, but that is because breastmilk provides the fat that they need in the early months. As the baby grows and changes, the fat content drops from the milk and the infant things up. Unfortunately, formula cannot change it's content to meet the needs of a changing infant.
Also, mothers do not need to eat a perfect diet to ensure their milk is healthy. A few minutes of research easily debunks that old myth.
Studies are done with research. They may be disproven at a later date, but they still stand strong than "I see babies, so my opinion is right!". Ignorance does not trump actual research and science.
I was tweeting about this page earlier... Here's my paraphrased version of everything the 'Expert' had to say about breastfeeding... I did embellish a little bit for comedy, but really, the underlying tone of what their so-called expert had to say is not very far off.
1) Breastfeed only 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours (That's SO often) anymore and your boobs will hurt. It has nothing to do with your latch, you're just breastfeeding too much.
2) Don't invite anybody over to see the new baby because you wouldn't want to put off a conversation to go breastfeed your baby. Don't even think about breastfeeding WHILE you're talking IN FRONT of your family! What are you some kind of feminist?
3) Don't leave the house. Breastfeeding is EXHAUSTING and you'll need to save up your strength. (inference: If you gave him formula you would have the energy to go and do whatever you want) Not to mention that you shouldn't breastfeed in front of your brother in law, let alone in public!
4) Supplement with formula if your baby starts to loose 'too much' weight after following tip #1. Don't bother with any of those hippy dippy herbs, or nursing on demand, and definitely don't look to make sure your baby is latching and nursing effectively.
5)If your baby is fussy around 3-6 weeks it's probably because you're doing it all wrong. Colic, aside from the fact that no one really knows what causes it and is a pretty common and normal stage of early infancy, is caused by you. Stop eating anything tastey you gluten.
6)Nipple confusion doesn't exist. Or at least is not very common, those Le Leche league radicals are just trying to scare you. They just don't want you to find out how EASY and CONVENIENT it is to use a bottle. That's right, it's not the baby's who's confused, it's YOU! Once you start using that bottle you'll like it so much you'll start to depend on it!
7) Introduce a bottle after 20 days. I mean, wait a little while because I have absolutely no proof of my earlier statements about nipple confusion. but not long enough to make sure that introducing a bottle won't traumatically effect your milk supply. If you don't he'll NEVER take anything but your breast and continue to tips 8 & 9 to see how bad THAT would be.
8) Your husband will never bond with the baby if he can't feed him a bottle. Your partner is completely incapable of wearing/changing/playing with/ or holding your baby. You don't want him to get jealous do you!?
9) Breastfeeding is bad for your marriage. I mean, still, you should breastfeed, and I am totally here to help you do that, but did you know that if your baby never takes a bottle of formula you will NEVER get to go out with your husband and he will divorce you?
10) supporters of breastfeeding are largely bias. I mean Le leche League has *surprisingly* good advice about weaning older children (inference: but little else that you will find helpful). But you shouldn't listen to EVERYTHING they say, because they'll tell you that formula marketers are big meany bullies, *I*am not a bully am I?
11) It is really not very common for a woman to not produce enough milk. except for all the women who can't produce enough milk. Like probably you, you'll likely need to supplement at some point. note: don't even TRY to BFAR, you CAN'T breastfeed after breast surgery.
12) Don't get down *when* you reach for the formula. *I* formula fed *MY* boys and they're totally smart. Oh yeah, that's right! I'm an 'expert' on lactation and have been giving you all kinds of helpful advice about breastfeeding, and I've been trying to sound like I am your friend by making it seam like I've been there and know how you're feeling, but I didn't actually breastfeed. SO it's not YOUR fault you couldn't breastfeed it's actually MINE. It's like birth trauma, it would have been really nice to give birth all naturally and peacefully without any major interference or surgeries, but that just ain't gonna happen, and neither is breastfeeding if we have anything to do with it! SO just get over it!
What? How is that helpful to the conversation? What is your point? The discussion here is about the business ethics of formula companies (who have a vested interest in getting people to use formula) being sponsors and advertisers on websites who claim to be providing support to women who want to breastfeed (and, in the case of Similac, trying to provide that breastfeeding advice themselves). Many, if not most, of us who formula feed agree with breastfeeding advocates that breast milk is the ideal food for babies (and toddlers). To be honest, that isn't really up for debate. At least not on this post, on this blog. So what do you hope to accomplish with your anecdotal (and not backed up with any thing) assertion?
@Chris...Really? Seriously? Your comment is entirely based on your opinion, and it is very obvious you are not at all educated on the subject. Your first statement is simply untrue, and the fact that you've seen babies who are fed artificial baby milk substitutes proves, basically, nothing. Simply looking at babies doesn't tell you anything about their overall health.
I'm sure FF babies do turn out fine. My step-mum FF'd my two brothers and they are wonderful people, healthy and smart.
However, if I am desperate, stressed and looking for bf'ing support and knowledge, I think it should come from someone who has significant training in bf'ing. Unfortunately, most MDs do not have enough training (is this MD an IBCLC?). And that MD doesn't have personal experience either.
I came across that exact "advice" in a WebMD magazine in my pediatrician's office and was appalled. Every four hours is often? And you should switch sides after ten minutes? I've only breastfed two babies (i.e. I have no formal medical or lactation training) and even I knew that was horrible advice. If I had followed that early on I would have been horribly engorged and my baby starving! I contemplated writing to complain and urging them in the future to actually consult LLL before they discuss breastfeeding. You've inspired me to actually follow through.
Did you know that the FDA is also partnered with WebMD?
So let's see...
We now have the FDA and WebMD and Nestle all under one roof.
But that's not what you said. Your comment was directed at the assertion that formula fed babies turn out fine.
Actually I was commenting on the irony of a breastfeeding support / expert q&a telling people that formula is fine when what they are looking for is help with breastfeeding. I did not say anything about formula fed infants not being fine, just that the quote from expert stated she did not breastfeed her children, who turned out fine.
Why is the question "What do you tell parents who don't want to breastfeed?" even in this section? Isn't the point of going to "Your Guide to Breastfeeding" because you want to breastfeed and have questions about breastfeeding? Wouldn't you just go to a "Your Guide to Formula Feeding" (if it exists) if you don't want to breastfeed.
And my apologies, the doctors quote is on Page 4, not 3.
Brooke, first, if you think about it, the "I did x and my kids turned out fine" is wrong to begin with.
Like: My parents smoked with me and by brother around since infants and we turned out fine. I was spanked and turned out fine. I was given carrot at 3 weeks old and turned out fine and no allergies.
(I`m not comparing, just giving examples from MY childhood.)
Just the fact that sth was fine for someone, it doesn`t mean it would work everywhere.
Second, I guess if I go to Weight watchers website I don`t want to read stories about people who eat 5 chocolate bars and 3 chicken a day and are skinny.
I would write more, but my kids need me. :)
Have a nice day!
"I take a far different position regarding parental smoking in the home when infants are present. As I see it, in the former, the parent must choose whether or not they can offer an “advantage” to their child; in the latter, they are knowingly placing the child at risk."
And there, in a nutshell, is the harm of discussing the "advantages of breastfeeding" as opposed to the risks of artificial feeding. It's almost funny how blind he is to the actual state of affairs.
Hmm, with all this formula-marketing influence in hidden ways coming to light, it's No Wonder so many women can't beat the Booby Traps and fail to meet their own breastfeeding goals. How many of them, or some of their support - family, friends, or professional - have read and believe this perfumed garbage??! "and I didn't meet my goals, but it is all fine, I know the next best formula My Kids did well on was... But it isn't their fault, the whole bunch have been hoodwinked by the well-heeled gilded formula companies!
I think that writing a letter telling them how much you support their work and why, but also clearly expressing your concerns about Nestle is a good way to go. Remind them that they may lose the support of a lot of people, given that Nestle is one of the most boycotted companies in the world.
That is truly sad.
No les voy a escriir en inglés, lo haré en mi idioma q es el español. Conozco personas a las que la comercializacion les hace apartar la vista de lo que se debe hacer. NESTLÉ tiene un largo trayecto de errores en lo que a Lactancia Materna se refiere. Indudablemente el genocidio perpretado en África, y las consecuencias para Uds, no les han hecho mella. Porque? Por que vender es a toda costa, aunque se perjudique la población, aunque se mueran niños... hasta dónde van Uds a llegar? Tiene suficientes otros productos antes que promocionar la lactancia artificial.
If you want to post some references, I may consider answering. Otherwise, I'll just chalk this up as anecdotes or trolling.
Unfortunately, I doubt you need to throw WebMD in there to find a connection between Nestle and the U.S. Government.
That makes no sense. If a) breastmilk *lowers* the risk of certain illnesses, etc, then by default b) formula *increases* the risks of those things happening. It's not rocket science... =(
Yes, it is possible, but less likely, acc to the research. And while there hasn't been a mass die off, there are certainly plenty of public health problems in this country that may very well be related. Just because we're alive doesn't mean we're healthy.
However, the fact that there hasn't been a mass die off is, IMHO, evidence of the resilience of the human race, not of the beneficial nature of formula. We can get away with a lot of things, and sometimes we have to, but just because we can doesn't mean we should go and seek out opportunities to challenge that resilience.
It is pressure from the formula manufacturers that has influenced the US government against implementing the WHO CODE:
As always, follow the money.
[...] PhD in Parenting posted this weekend about Babble and Similac’s breastfeeding guide and also about WebMd and Gerber (Nestle) doing the same thing. [...]
Perhaps a doctor would tell a mom that FF babies turn out fine, not to convince them to switch, but to alleviate any fear or guilt from having to switch. It happens. Frequently. Pop over to Fearless Formula Feeder and read all the guest posts written by moms who agonized because breastfeeding wasn't working out and felt (or still feel) guilty because they used formula.
I was one of them. Nothing under the sun worked to keep my supply up once my period came back. I breastfed as long as I could, but both kids ended up on formula for a time. And they are both extremely healthy, but I'm not sure how much breastfeeding has to do with that. I'm more likely to give credit to handwashing, exercise, good sleep and a healthy diet.
I filled out the comment form at WebMD.
From the Expert Q&A...
"I also refer people to La Leche League on occasion, depending what the problem is. It turns out that LLL has excellent advice for weaning an older child, which is kind of surprising."
really? LLL has been around giving ACCURATE BF info since before I was born! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *facepalm*
I think perhaps where the "surprising" comes in here is that a lot of people assume LLL takes a hard line on child led weaning, so the assumption would be that their only weaning advice is "wait until the child is ready."
Your sarcasm doesn't bring anything new to this discussion. Obviously American babies are not dying en masse from being artificially fed. But almost 1,000 babies per year DO die because they're not breastfed. That's 1,000 too many dead babies, IMO. And you know, there's more than just "alive" or "dead." Is "fine" really what we're aiming for with our children? I mean, if artificial breastmilk substitutes are truly needed, then yes, that's better than letting a child starve and chances are good that the baby will not die since most Americans have access to clean water and health care if the baby develops complications from artificial feeding. BUT we need to look at the outcome of a century of primarily chemically-fed babies: a nation plagued by obesity, diabetes, food allergies, high blood pressure, cholesterol problems, etc. Not only that, but breastfeeding is about a lot more than just nutrition -- you can't discount the baby's emotional development, immunity transference, and the value of following the natural order. Do we really think we know so much better than nature's intent? Is "fine" good enough? Not for my baby.
Personally I think we should track down the contact information for this so-called breastfeeding "expert" Dr. Laura Schultz and give her a piece of our mind. But I can't find an e-mail address, only a phone number. She should be made aware that she's giving out BAD advice and could be doing a lot of harm. According to the information I found online when I googled the doctor, she went to school 22 years ago. How much training do you think she got then, or since, about breastfeeding? I'd venture to guess -- little to none. She is spouting off and needs to be put in her place. The only comfort I got after reading that article was when she said that she refers her patients who are having trouble to see an LC or LLL leader. At least that way they are more likely to get some decent advice! But how many women will take this doctor's first, awful advice, then have problems and just switch to formula (which I'd be willing to bet this doctor has on hand in her office as "free" samples) without ever seeking additional help? Ugh, it makes me sick to think about.
I actually got the same bad "10-15 mins then switch" advice from my mom, who is an L&D nurse and nearly the same age as the doctor who wrote the WebMD article (my mom is 47, that doctor is 49). I'm sure that's the information they were taught when they were in school. At that time formula-feeding was the norm and even still being promoted as better. I believe that bad advice was one factor that led to my low supply problems. And I'm not the only one. I've had multiple mothers tell me they got this same advice from their child's doctor, and in almost every case, it led to supply problems. I'm very thankful that I chose a family physician for myself and my son, based largely on the fact that she had a 5 month old daughter and was back at work part-time and breastfeeding. At my son's one-week visit we were struggling, and our doctor immediately referred me to a lactation consultant, not even trying to give any advice, because she realized that she is NOT the expert even though she IS very knowledgeable and supportive. I'm so glad we avoided that Booby Trap. In fact, our doctor referring me to the LC (who worked for our local hospital and gave free consults, which I didn't know since I delivered at a hospital 45 minutes away that turned out to not have good lactation support) probably saved our breastfeeding relationship.
[...] from PhD in Parenting also pointed out that even WebMD’s breastfeeding guide is sponsored by Gerber (which is owned by Nestle). There are six Gerber ads on the page that is supposed to help mothers [...]
[...] struggled to answer them, I changed the eating habits of my family. After reading this post on the PhD in Parenting blog (that I posted on Mama Eve’s facebook feed), I discovered another question to add to my list [...]
[...] IN to her cleavage, then FADE to black. Background here, here, and to a lesser degree [...]
I was given a copy of Web MD Pregnancy magazine at my prenatal appointment today, and was horrified that the the whole magazine had a measly paragraph about breastfeeding (formula feeding got 2-3 paragraphs in that same article), and wasn't mentioned at all in the return to work article. I was also appalled at the 6 pages of similac ads--hence my digging on their website (atrocious advice!!) and finding your post. As a family physician with a passion for breastfeeding and lactation promotion, but more importantly as a mother, I am really saddened by the physician quotes and "reviewing" on Web MD's site.
I feel your frustration. Several (maybe 6-7) years ago, WebMD had Enfamil sponsoring their webpages on Breastfeeding. I contacted them and told them that in my eyes, this sponsorship was no different than McDonalds sponsoring the Cardiac pages... I received a response from a physician that the company did not agree, that formula was not harmful, and they had no plan to change their advertising policy. Maybe with more pressure they will change their minds, however doubtful I feel. I no longer visit their pages.