Nestle Boycott Explained: Their products are nice, but they are unethical and don't listen

Jessica Gottlieb is a reluctant but determined participant in the Nestle boycott. Listen as she explains why she cannot use their products, despite the fact that she loves them (from Jessica's YouTube channel).
People like Jessica and I have strong voices. Organizations like Greenpeace and Baby Milk Action have a wide reach. The more Nestle sticks its head in the sand, continues with unethical business practices, and uses double speak instead of making actual changes, the louder we will get and the more Nestle will be treading water and eventually sinking like the Titanic.
People like Jessica and I have strong voices. Organizations like Greenpeace and Baby Milk Action have a wide reach. The more Nestle sticks its head in the sand, continues with unethical business practices, and uses double speak instead of making actual changes, the louder we will get and the more Nestle will be treading water and eventually sinking like the Titanic.
Reader Comments (16)
It's incredible how many products are made by this one company. There are a lot that aren't known as being from Nestle. After not having their chocolate bars for a while and cocoa camino, I don't even want Nestle anymore. I feel like I've found something much better.
That should read "and having cocoa camino". Yes, it's more expensive but it's so flavourful that I don't eat it all in one sitting and I buy chocolate less often now.
The Nestle boycott is only something I have learned about since I became pregnant. Thanks to you and @mediamum I have become educated on the topic. I bought few Nestle items before (mostly Willy Wonka candy since I can eat their dextrose stuff as a treat - I can't eat most candy due to a sugar cane allergy) but have not been purchasing any of it. I also have not been buying Pellegrino but luckily bought a spritzer bottle that loads gas cartridges from my hardware store. I get it, and even though it took becoming pregnant and entering this "mommy" social media world to learn about it I am glad I found out.
Thanks so much for sharing this. I really appreciate it.
I miss some Nestle products, too. Coffee Crisps were my favourite chocolate bars. But I am boycotting Nestle, too, and I've survived. We don't need this company. And until they shape up, I'm not buying from them.
I only recently, within the past year or so, have learned about the boycott too. And it's been easier than I thought it would be. Sure, I almost cried when I found out that Nestle has a hand in Ovaltine (NOT MY OVALTINE!) and I was pretty bummed when I had those Hot Pockets cravings, but we're making due just fine. And I'm with Amber on this one: Until they shape up, I'm not buying from them either.
I guess I'm out of the loop-I knew there was a Nestle ban many years ago, but didn't realize there was one going on now! They make such delicious chocolate chips. *sigh* oh well. Raisins in my cookies are better for me anyway.
Maman A Droit: There are many other companies that make delicious chocolate chips!
Annie, a great conversation is unfolding over on my blog where I posted about this. I would love to hear more of your thoughts!!!
Thank you for continuing to share about the current, ongoing Nestle boycott. I boycotted when I was younger, but as I got older almost forgot and thought surely they had changed their ways by now! Plus, you weren't really hearing about it anymore. This new wave has cemented my determination to once again boycott ALL Nestle products. There are many I love and many times it would be easier, but I do it for the next generation...
[...] people like comedian Bill Hicks remind me daily that we are not a perfect industry. The fact that unethical companies like Nestle are successful internationally drives me crazy, because I know that my industry is behind each new [...]
I'm very proud to be boycotting (evil)Nestle.
I too have only learnt about the boycott within the last few years. My husband spreads the news whenever he can. It is really an eye opener seeing how many products they have.
We very rarely consumed/used/bought Nestle products before we started boycotting, just water that we sometimes drank, but I can say, even if your home is filled with the products, it should be so easy to rid your home of them and refuse to buy them once you learn more about what this company is doing, and has been doing (and lying about) for years and years.
[...] information in their responses. Since then, I have continued to write a variety of posts on issues related to Nestlé and on my decision and the decision of others with regards to the Nestlé sponsorship of [...]
Hi, I guess this company is clueless and indifferent beyond my worst expetations. Didnt know about the baby milk snafu. I am at the other end of the food chain so to speak. I hope all of you will take time to experience the ads protraying adults physicaly and verbaly attacking young people eatting without a fork. If this was directed at any ethnic group the backlash would be huge. But if your over 30 we are fair game...the older the person the worse we are villified. Please excuse the spelling ii'm too mad to fix it. Rose Mary
Nestle is a totally ruthless and apparently inhumane company.
They are also at the forefront of the bottled water industry and have adversely affected many communities across the US and else where. They are pumping ground water free of charge from local communities and selling it at 10 times their cost.
Watch the movie "Flow", or "Tapped", and "Blue Gold, World Water Wars"
Buy a good water filtration system and buy good glass or stainless steel bottles.
You will save money over the long run (filtered water cost about 15 cents a gallon) and stop supporting these crooks and prevent huge pollution caused by plastic water bottles.
Fact: the petroleum required to produce the plastic for all the plastic water bottles for the US alone per year would power 1 Million cars for a year. Unbelievable!!!
I just watched all of those documentaries and decided to boycot Nestlé, and when I posted about it on Facebook my mom told me about the boycotts in the 70's that my grandma took part in. I knew they were greedy about water, but I had no idea it stretched that far back. It's only made me more determined to continue with my own boycott and to spread the word whenever able.