Information, advertising, spam: Medela crosses the line

There has been a lot of talk on twitter and on blogs in the past while about pump manufacturer Medela's decision to stop complying with the WHO Code and its Medela Mom Mavens program where it solicits moms to help it spread the message about breastfeeding and about its products. A number of people have asked me why I am not supportive of Medela's actions and a quick answer just didn't suffice. So here goes...
The first issue that I have with Medela is that it no longer complies with the WHO's International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes. The company has always sold pumps and bottles, but until recently did so in a manner that complied with the WHO Code. I personally own two Medela pumps and had no trouble finding and buying additional bottles to go with them when Medela was still complying with the code.
What has changed?
Rather than simply making its bottles available for purchase, Medela has started advertising and promoting them. Although it generally advertises them as breastmilk bottles, the fact that it is promoting them at all is a violation of the WHO Code. The WHO Code does recognize that there is a legitimate market for bottles and even for formula and states clearly that "these products should accordingly be made accessible to those who need them through commercial or non-commercial distribution systems," but it also states clearly that "they should not be marketed or distributed in ways that may interfere with the protection and promotion of breast-feeding."
The provisions of the WHO Code that Medela most heavily violates are those in Article 5 relating to the general public and mothers. Specifically, those articles state (my comments on Medela's non-compliance in bold following each article):
I don't want to be overly critical of Medela. I think the company does a great job promoting and facilitating breastfeeding. Most of the information on its website is wonderful. Most of its products are of the highest quality. I have been nothing but happy with my Medela products. However, I do think that some of their current actions to promote their bottles are inappropriate. It would not be difficult for Medela to continue to promote breastfeeding and sell its bottles without promoting them. However, it has chosen to ignore the WHO Code and push more bottle imagery and bottle messaging on moms (more on why bottle imagery and messaging is hurtful here). The result is that Medela is directly pushing bottles on moms and also doing so indirectly via the Medela Mavens and others who might pick up on the message about how breastfeeding ties you down, so you really need a pump and bottles so you can get your hair done.
According to Medela, its actions that violate the WHO Code are in fact supporting breastfeeding and allow moms to nurse longer by increasing rather than limiting the information supplied directly to mothers. A lot of their information may be doing that, but their information on bottles is vague about when they should be introduced and some of their info may cause nipple confusion (a term not found on their Mom Mavens site anywhere) and effectively reduce the length of time a mom can successfully breastfeed. I am not exaggerating. I was a moderator on a message board with many moms who introduced a bottle too soon and couldn't get their baby back to the breast, whose babies guzzled through 8oz bottles of breastmilk at work because they didn't understand how to bottle feed a breastfed baby, or whose babies refused to take the breast anymore after having bottles at work because they liked the fast flow of the nipple on the bottle.
I mentioned a bit above why I don't like Medela promoting its bottles via the Medela Mom Mavens . However, it isn't just the bottle marketing via this program that I object to. I think the entire premise is flawed. In response to Hoyden About Town's post on the Medela Mom Mavens, Shannon (@zchamu) wrote:
Encouraging people to talk about their experiences with a product is a great thing, I think, when done subtly and not through any direct incentive. There are many products I have used that I like. I am in contact with some of those companies and I do promote their products to my networks, but I do it because I want to, not because I was asked to or induced by freebies to do so. It isn't entirely clear to me what the Medela Mom Mavens get for their service talking up Medela's products, but Medela does ask them to report back when they have said wonderful things about Medela. I wonder if good things come to those who chat up Medela most frequently?
I don't think it is that bad for moms to talk up Medela's pumps on their own blog, facebook or twitter stream. That is their space and they are free to do what they like there. Where it becomes problematic to me is when they are encouraging moms to go onto message boards and talk up Medela's products. As Hoyden About Town's post correctly points out, many of the communities that Medela is suggesting the Mavens promote their products in actually prohibit that type of promotion or solicitation. Not only does Medela suggest this type of message board spamming in general, but it also provides a list of boards to spam, will help you troubleshoot signing up and logging in, and even monthly suggestions on specific posts that moms can respond to.
As a former pumping message board moderator, I find those suggestions particularly problematic. We used to think that if a mom asked for pump recommendations that our community would provide a balanced list of suggestions of good pumps. Our moderators would generally say which pumps they used, but also list other reputable pumps and probe a bit about what the mom needs the pump for in order to make an appropriate recommendation. Medela pumps are great, but they may not always be the best choice for every mom in every situation. I worry about message boards being flooded with Medela recommendations via this program. Medela does suggest that moms disclose they are a Medela Mom Maven when posting, but that is likely to get them kicked off of most boards, so they probably won't. I know that moderators on a number of boards are now going to look at all Medela recommendations with suspicion.
I know not everyone agrees with me. In fact, a number of moms who I admire and respect are either Medela Mom Mavens or have posted about or hosted bottle giveaways on their site. I don't think it is right. I don't like it. I think it would be easy for Medela to improve its practices. But that doesn't mean I've lost all respect for many of the strong breastfeeding advocates who are involved in this type of marketing. To be clear, on a sliding scale this is not even close to Enfamil or Nestle or other formula companies. Not even close. But I would argue, and others do argue, that any violation of the WHO Code weakens its potential impact. We cannot say "it's okay because you are Medela," but then slap Nestle on the hand for everything it does wrong.
I think a clearer delineation between information and marketing is needed. According to a recent Angus Reid poll, 67% of Canadians say that advertising helps them find the products that they want. But 52% also believe that all advertising distorts the truth. So what if advertising is really helping people find products they don't want and don't need by distorting the truth? While you may take a commercial on TV with a grain of salt, a recommendation from a trusted friend or fellow community member is probably more likely to convince. Social media marketers are counting on it. Medela is counting on it.
Personally, when it comes to breastfeeding promotion, I will stick to working with companies that have made a commitment to upholding the WHO Code.
Not complying with the WHO Code
The first issue that I have with Medela is that it no longer complies with the WHO's International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes. The company has always sold pumps and bottles, but until recently did so in a manner that complied with the WHO Code. I personally own two Medela pumps and had no trouble finding and buying additional bottles to go with them when Medela was still complying with the code.
What has changed?
Rather than simply making its bottles available for purchase, Medela has started advertising and promoting them. Although it generally advertises them as breastmilk bottles, the fact that it is promoting them at all is a violation of the WHO Code. The WHO Code does recognize that there is a legitimate market for bottles and even for formula and states clearly that "these products should accordingly be made accessible to those who need them through commercial or non-commercial distribution systems," but it also states clearly that "they should not be marketed or distributed in ways that may interfere with the protection and promotion of breast-feeding."
The provisions of the WHO Code that Medela most heavily violates are those in Article 5 relating to the general public and mothers. Specifically, those articles state (my comments on Medela's non-compliance in bold following each article):
5.1 There should be no advertising or other form of promotion to the general public of products within the scope of this Code. Medela has run some advertisements that featured their bottle systems separately from the pumps.
5.2 Manufacturers and distributors should not provide, directly or indirectly, to pregnant women, mothers or members of their families, samples of products within the scope of this Code. Medela has done giveaways of bottles.5.3 In conformity with paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, there should be no point-of- sale advertising, giving of samples, or any other promotion device to induce sales directly to the consumer at the retail level, such as special displays, discount coupons, premiums, special sales, loss-leaders and tie-in sales, for products within the scope of this Code. This provision should not restrict the establishment of pricing policies and practices intended to provide products at lower prices on a long-term basis. Some retailers do offer Medela bottles at sale prices, but it is not clear if this is a Medela promotion or a store promotion (i.e. who is initiating the violation). Either way, I think Medela should make it clear that no in-store promotions or discounts on its products are allowed.
5.4 Manufacturers and distributors should not distribute to pregnant women or mothers or infants and young children any gifts of articles or utensils which may promote the use of breast-milk substitutes or bottle-feeding. As mentioned above, Medela has done giveaways (gifts) of bottles to mothers of infants and young children.
5.5 Marketing personnel, in their business capacity, should not seek direct or indirect contact of any kind with pregnant women or with mothers of infants and young children. Medela has encouraged mothers to register on their site and has founded a Medela Mom Mavens program where it provides information directly to mothers via a newsletter and website and also encourages them to share that information with others. To be fair, most of that information is about breastfeeding, but some of it is about how great their bottles are. They call their nipples "the preferred choice of breastfeeding moms and babies", but I've never heard anyone other than Medela refer to them that way. It also includes information that is not consistent with the advice of lactation professionals (e.g. providing large bottles and medium-flow nipples, even though smaller portions and slow flow nipples are recommended for breastfed babies).
I don't want to be overly critical of Medela. I think the company does a great job promoting and facilitating breastfeeding. Most of the information on its website is wonderful. Most of its products are of the highest quality. I have been nothing but happy with my Medela products. However, I do think that some of their current actions to promote their bottles are inappropriate. It would not be difficult for Medela to continue to promote breastfeeding and sell its bottles without promoting them. However, it has chosen to ignore the WHO Code and push more bottle imagery and bottle messaging on moms (more on why bottle imagery and messaging is hurtful here). The result is that Medela is directly pushing bottles on moms and also doing so indirectly via the Medela Mavens and others who might pick up on the message about how breastfeeding ties you down, so you really need a pump and bottles so you can get your hair done.
According to Medela, its actions that violate the WHO Code are in fact supporting breastfeeding and allow moms to nurse longer by increasing rather than limiting the information supplied directly to mothers. A lot of their information may be doing that, but their information on bottles is vague about when they should be introduced and some of their info may cause nipple confusion (a term not found on their Mom Mavens site anywhere) and effectively reduce the length of time a mom can successfully breastfeed. I am not exaggerating. I was a moderator on a message board with many moms who introduced a bottle too soon and couldn't get their baby back to the breast, whose babies guzzled through 8oz bottles of breastmilk at work because they didn't understand how to bottle feed a breastfed baby, or whose babies refused to take the breast anymore after having bottles at work because they liked the fast flow of the nipple on the bottle.
Encouraging moms to spam online communities for free stuff
I mentioned a bit above why I don't like Medela promoting its bottles via the Medela Mom Mavens . However, it isn't just the bottle marketing via this program that I object to. I think the entire premise is flawed. In response to Hoyden About Town's post on the Medela Mom Mavens, Shannon (@zchamu) wrote:
Why is it a bad thing for a company that has people who swear by their product, to contact those people and say hey, if you use our product, talk to people about it? Every company does it (or should). Encouraging people to talk about their experiences with a product via word of mouth is a *good* thing.
Encouraging people to talk about their experiences with a product is a great thing, I think, when done subtly and not through any direct incentive. There are many products I have used that I like. I am in contact with some of those companies and I do promote their products to my networks, but I do it because I want to, not because I was asked to or induced by freebies to do so. It isn't entirely clear to me what the Medela Mom Mavens get for their service talking up Medela's products, but Medela does ask them to report back when they have said wonderful things about Medela. I wonder if good things come to those who chat up Medela most frequently?

As a former pumping message board moderator, I find those suggestions particularly problematic. We used to think that if a mom asked for pump recommendations that our community would provide a balanced list of suggestions of good pumps. Our moderators would generally say which pumps they used, but also list other reputable pumps and probe a bit about what the mom needs the pump for in order to make an appropriate recommendation. Medela pumps are great, but they may not always be the best choice for every mom in every situation. I worry about message boards being flooded with Medela recommendations via this program. Medela does suggest that moms disclose they are a Medela Mom Maven when posting, but that is likely to get them kicked off of most boards, so they probably won't. I know that moderators on a number of boards are now going to look at all Medela recommendations with suspicion.
Final Thoughts
I know not everyone agrees with me. In fact, a number of moms who I admire and respect are either Medela Mom Mavens or have posted about or hosted bottle giveaways on their site. I don't think it is right. I don't like it. I think it would be easy for Medela to improve its practices. But that doesn't mean I've lost all respect for many of the strong breastfeeding advocates who are involved in this type of marketing. To be clear, on a sliding scale this is not even close to Enfamil or Nestle or other formula companies. Not even close. But I would argue, and others do argue, that any violation of the WHO Code weakens its potential impact. We cannot say "it's okay because you are Medela," but then slap Nestle on the hand for everything it does wrong.
I think a clearer delineation between information and marketing is needed. According to a recent Angus Reid poll, 67% of Canadians say that advertising helps them find the products that they want. But 52% also believe that all advertising distorts the truth. So what if advertising is really helping people find products they don't want and don't need by distorting the truth? While you may take a commercial on TV with a grain of salt, a recommendation from a trusted friend or fellow community member is probably more likely to convince. Social media marketers are counting on it. Medela is counting on it.
Personally, when it comes to breastfeeding promotion, I will stick to working with companies that have made a commitment to upholding the WHO Code.
Reader Comments (33)
The bottle giveaway that took place on my site in January of 2009 was my idea. It has been linked to several times as an example of the WHO code violation. The circumstance was that my friend was adopting a newborn and I encouraged her to try breastfeeding, which she hadn't known was even possible. As a review blogger, I contacted Medela and asked if they could provide her with a Supplemental Nursing System and a breast pump, and they did. It was quite a blessing because it turned out that when the baby was born, it was handicaped (missing an arm just above the elbow due to "amniotic banding". This hadn't been detected in ultrasounds since we live in Laos, a third world country, and the technology is a little behind. My friends were able to take their adopted baby home within a few hours after it's birth. Within the first 10 days of his life, I even breastfed it myself.
When it came time to post about the Medela stuff, which I did of my own volition, I asked them if they wanted to offer a giveaway to go along with the post. I was (and still am) so so grateful for the things they provided for my friend and her adoptive son, who is now 13 months old and just took his first steps last week! :)
The giveaway item they chose to provide was the new glass bottles. I can understand why they wouldn't want to give away a breast pump, or an SNS. Firstly a breast pump is very expensive and secondly not as many people would know what an SNS is or even have a need for it.
That is the entire story; I do not feel that I was a pawn of Medela to violate the WHO code. I can't see them as anything but the good guy in this situation.
I'm not sorry that I was able to educate my friend about adoptive breastfeeding.
I do live in Laos and have provided the Blacktating website with evidence of confusing advertising on the part of NESTLE for their infant and toddler milk substitutes.
I think this a great article. I however was surprised to see and advertisment for Medela Bottles on the page- it seems a tad contradictory.
@alisa: I don't allow any bottle advertising on my site. The Medela ad in the post was a screen capture of a WHO Code violation posted as an illustration of a violation. Since it caused some confusion, I uploaded a new version with "Example WHO Code Violation" stamped on top of it.
ahh- I thought it was one of those server generated ads- glad to know! (I still think your site is awesome)
@Can Can (Mom Most Traveled):
I think it is great that Medela was able to help your friend. It is wonderful when companies are able and willing to do that type of thing. However, I do think that when it came to a giveaway on your site, Medela should have been clear that they cannot offer bottles for the giveaway because it is a WHO violation. Medela has plenty of products that are not listed in the WHO Code that it could have provided for a giveaway, including quick wipes, bras, replacement pump membranes and valves (which all regular pumpers need at some point), nursing pads, breast care kits, lanolin, hands free pumping attachment, etc. I don't expect every blogger to be an expert on the WHO Code (although it is great if they are!), but I do think Medela should be clear about what is okay and not okay when dealing with bloggers, retailers, advertising agencies, or others who may be involved in promoting its products.
@alisa: I specifically do not participate in any advertising programs where I cannot control which ads appear on the site. That is the reason I do not use Google Adsense and why I have rejected a number of text-link ad providers who have approached me. It is very important to my integrity that I be able to do that. I'm surprised how many people seem not to care what gets promoted next to their content.
Thanks for posting on this. I'm torn, because of the WHO violations in bottle advertising and the Media Mavens stuff, and yet, as you say:
"I don’t want to be overly critical of Medela. I think the company does a great job promoting and facilitating breastfeeding. Most of the information on its website is wonderful. Most of its products are of the highest quality. I have been nothing but happy with my Medela products."
And that has been my personal experience. Using the Medela pump (plus some accessories), nipple shields, and SNS (though the Lact-Aid, a far superior product, is what finally did it for us) were crucial to the 5 insanely difficult months it took us to get my daughter to start nursing (she was incapable of latching due to a posterior tongue tie up until that point). I WANT to like Medela. It's convenient when the pump you're using fits with the bottles you want to use, and when you feel like there's a consistent quality there that you can trust, I completely understand brand loyalty. I bought their pump travel wipes, easy steam-cleaning bags, and milk storage bags, primarily because I liked their other much more important products so much.
This is why I have been doubly disheartened by their actions of late. I was, in a weird way, emotionally invested in them being a trustworthy, *ethical* company that produced extremely high quality products. Now I find out they're not so different from other greedy corporations. You're right, not as bad as Nestle, but dang it, they're on the spectrum.
"We cannot say 'it’s okay because you are Medela,' but then slap Nestle on the hand for everything it does wrong."
Yep. SIGH. Any recommendations on other pumps and product lines that aren't morally questionable now? I hear good things about Ameda . . .?
@Dou-la-la: In a way, it reminds me of when Body Shop was sold to L'Oreal, which is 49% owned by Nestle. I was emotionally invested in Body Shop as an ethical company with great products. It kills me that I can't shop there anymore. But I just can't. I can't have my profits going to a company like Nestle.
Bravo Annie. I learned a lot last week by posting Is it okay to advertise bottles to pumping moms. It seems like so few people really have a handle on the Code. Most of us certainly don't, and I so appreciate this article. As much as I received a lot of support for the idea of advertising to pumping moms I feel that for me to advertise anything (even half-heartedly) the company itself must be Code compliant. And then to figure out if they are or not requires some detective work it seems because everyone looks at advertising differently. WHat do they really mean by using certain words? Is all advertising a conspiracy? I suppose it must be. Shame really.
I love that you only link to my blog when you have something negative to say (like when you linked to my blog because I couldn't filter out all of the formula ads that kept coming up through Google AdSense, as an example of why you don't use Google ads). When I started my blog I definitely wasn't as educated about the many issues surrounding breastfeeding as I am now, particularly the WHO Code. Would I post that giveaway on my blog now? Nope. But back then I listed it because I used Medela bottles and found the giveaway on a freebie site. I don't believe in removing old posts because I, and my blog, are a work in progress.
Maybe next time a little professional courtesy might be nice, say in the form of contacting someone first and asking her why she posted something in particular instead of just assuming and trying to embarrass fellow bloggers.
I continue to be very torn on Medela. Like you, I WANT to like them. Where I live, they are the most widely-available pumping system, especially in situations where special care is called for. Their specialized feeding systems, for example, are the only ones that I am aware that a mom can easily acquire, and this is particularly important because when you need these things you often need them NOW, not 1-2 weeks from now.
But the fact that they provide excellent products should not give them carte blanche to behave however they would like to behave. I feel very much at a loss about what I would say if someone needed an SNS, for instance, knowing that there just aren't 47 brands to choose from.
@Elita: I'm so sorry. I'll follow up with you privately.
[...] Jump to Comments Dot writes: there’s an interesting post on PhD in Parenting that argues Medela are violating the WHO code on breastfeeding by actively promoting their bottles [...]
Hygeia breastpumps get good marks, are WHO compliant, and are recyclable with the company. Avent manual pumps are very well regarded. The Bailey Nurture III pumps are also an economical option.
I'm in the same boat as you are. I had a really good experience with my PIS but will not recommend Medela products anymore based on their recent behavior and choices to violate the WHO Code. It's a crying shame.
@LeaningLactivist: I don't feel great about recommending Avent at this point either. Their" rel="nofollow">WHO Code violations are even more blatant than Medela and their" rel="nofollow">slow and wishy washy response to BPA issues was also upsetting.
As a new mom, I only learned about the WHO Code 3 or 4 months ago. Once I read the info about the Code, I thought of all the blatant violations I have seen... the free diaper bag from the hospital, the ads in various baby/parenting magazines, the free samples in the mail... these are all violations, right? Oh, and don't forget that cute little bassinet name tag my nephew had at the hospital that had a formula company logo on it... that's when it hit me... wait, the cute little name tag on my daughter's hospital bassinet had a big ol' Medela logo on it, and Medela makes bottles and nipples (which fall under the Code). So, isn't that a violation?? Just because they primarily sell/market pumping supplies does NOT exclude them from following the Code for items that DO fall under the Code. So, I am torn, too... I love my Medela pump and bottles (and let's not forget the nipple shield that was a lifesaver in the first few weeks), and I spent a good amount of money on these supplies. Now, learning of the Mom Mavens, I am really torn. I have boycotted Nestle and Nestle "joint ventures" for similar (though far worse ethically) business practices, so ethically don't I need to boycott Medela? But, that means I will end up having to spend much more money on new pumping supplies (when all my membranes and bottle nipples are shot) for the next kiddo... what a quandary...
Wow. So interesting.
I am really big on breastfeeding and pumping. Pumping has given me the opportunity to feed my baby my milk while I am away at work full time. She is almost 19 months now and still drinking only breastmilk.
I love Medela. I have used Medela pumps for both my kids. One of the reasons I love Medela is because I have always thought that first and foremost they are big on promoting breastfeeding.
I am very lucky that breastfeeding has always come very easy to me, unlike pumping, which has taken a lot, has almost made me want to give up and supplement with formula, and has made me feel like their is not enough info, support groups and mommy bloggers that also pump.
This is one of the reasons, I thought Medela was doing a great job at uniting moms who pump. Who truly need lot's of support, because their are a lot of struggles, timing, finding where, stress of not getting enough milk. stress of not being there for your baby, etc. and worrying about what supplies or what pump to get should be least of your worries.
Now after reading your article I feel torn. I too dislike a company who "promotes" breastfeeding to promote bottles. Yet, for a mom who pumps finding a good bottle is definitely important.
I don't know how much sense I made writing this, but thank you for enlightening me.
Now more...
See this post by Dou-la-la about Medela's Breastfeeding 101: Ready, set, pump workshops:
I adore both of you and find you both to be amazing sources of information so I hope all is cleared up soon.
I think Elita has a very good point in that we're all "learning" here, always. As human beings, first of all, but also as participants in a still comparatively new type of media.
First, I appreciate your contacting me to ask me about my relationship with Medela and also linking to my post.
As I mentioned, I've only been a "Medela Mom Maven" for a short period of time. I asked if I could come check out the program and was invited in. So, I perhaps don't have the best grasp of the issues there, yet.
I agree that pointing out threads could be construed as invasive. However, I take that more as a suggestion that if you are already a member of that community, you might want to check out that forum or board.
I would also add that one of the more interesting things in Medela's missives to its mavens is the opportunity to speak with experts about breastfeeding.
I respect your stand and also your appreciation of why this is such a complex case--no where near as simple as Nestle in my opinion.
As a work at home mom, I have been fortunate enough to breastfeed directly almost exclusively. I used my (Medela) pump only when my daughter had surgery and when both children had nursing strikes. At the same time, I have been impressed with both the quality of Medela's products as well as the information they disseminate.
Medela is a strong advocate of breastfeeding. And I believe that to restrict them from direct contact with mothers in developed nations is to hamstring an ally in an era in which we almost demand social media interaction from companies.
I think that the WHO code has some excellent provisions. I agree with its spirit. However, I do find some of its language to be paternalistic and overly broad.
". At the same time, I have been impressed with both the quality of Medela’s products as well as the information they disseminate.
Medela is a strong advocate of breastfeeding."
Marketing from a Maven in this thread! Whoever would have thunk it? Are you reporting back to the mothership, Candace?
Hey Amber, on this one issue, I DO have a recommendation. The Lact-Aid is not only a comparable product to the SNS - same basic idea, an at-the-breast supplementer with a feeding tube - but I actually think it is a far *superior* product, having used both. The Lact-Aid is about a gazillion times more user-friendly, and more effective at improving a baby's latch. (Maybe I should do side by-side comparison one of these days - note to self.) And I honestly would have said this (and HAVE said this, in fact) long before finding out about Medela's recent shenanigans.
I realize that this one product doesn't change the overall problem of knowing what to recommend in place of some of the other Medela products, but I just had to put it out there. The Lact-Aid saved our nursing relationship. no question.
1. I wrote the post Annie linked to before I was part of the Maven program.
2. I have been upfront about my connections with Medela at all times.
3. I knew about this post not from Medela but because Annie e-mailed me before she wrote it.
4. I am not being paid to say anything and this is not marketing.
5. I have yet to fill out their report form for anything.
If you think that signing up to receive e-mails from a company I already liked biases me, then you obviously know nothing about me.
[...] and Heinz continue to violate the code regularly, as do bottle manufacturers such as Avent, Medela and many others. Despite what they may tell you, these companies are more focused on profits than [...]
As a Mom Maven myself I have not noticed suggested topics to discuss on the newsletters. There is no appreciable material gain from the program, and I wouldn't have joined if I didn't believe in Medela products beforehand.
I have never suggested a Medela product as a result of my affiliation, and I only suggest products or techniques to someone with a need to pump such as for work or donation. m
My views and recommendations are consistent with the ones I voiced prior to working with Medela.
My Medela pump allowed me to provide breastmilk exclusively while working with my first baby. This time I have only pumped milk to donate, as I'm staying at home.
Lauredhel-being a Mom Maven does not preclude a person from having independant and relevant thoughts. I am working on a related post-i'm torn about Medela's stance but I also think the code itself is partly to blame. It is ambiguous and outdated regarding pumping.
Wow - I'm totally torn on this. I agree that we can't let some 'slide' on the WHO codes and be dead against others, but I'm also a really big supporter of Medela because it is what has worked best for me. I have tried other breast pumps and had no where near as much success in expressing. I am not a mom maven nor do I wish to be, but I did approach Medela for help on a project I am starting up with an orphanage in South Africa. Looking at a lot of other brands on the market, I feel that they are actually sometimes DETRIMENTAL to the pumping relationship with often inferior products. I have heard so many moms say they quit pumping because it just took too long or was too hard or not getting enough milk and I've experienced that myself with especially one very popular pump, so honestly love the Medela mini...
hmmm... what to do, what to think...
The Medela products worked well for me too and I agree that there are a lot of horrible inferior pumps on the market. At this point though, I would prefer to support quality pump companies that are WHO Code compliant, like Ameda (owned by Evenflo) and Hygeia.
I agree in theory, but a quick google seems (i stand to be corrected) that the Ameda is at it's cheapest double the cost of my breastpump,(something that really matters to an unemployed mother living close to the breadline) and the Hygeia isn't available in the UK. I would agree that it is worth paying extra and even importing something if it's worth it, but I know that's not possible for everyone :(
I don't mean to be confrontational here, by the way, but just raising it as another side to consider.
It does depend what you are in the market for. The Ameda is a double electric and its price should be comparable to the Medela double electrics, but obviously the hand-held manual pumps are much cheaper. Avent also has a good hand-held pump, but it is also a WHO Code violator. It is really too bad that these companies cannot stay true and firm to their commitment to breastfeeding and stay away from the promotion of bottles. I don't see your comments as confrontational, but I do find the whole situation frustrating.
In any case, the decisions that I might make for myself, as an individual (e.g. to purchase a product, whether it is an affordable pump or even formula if I had to) are different than the choices I would make about what products to promote or what companies to work with. I think each person needs to determine where the line is for themselves. For me, I will recommend Medela products in a 1 on 1, mom to mom, situation, but I will also mention the benefits of other pumps and I would not agree to have Medela as an advertiser on my blog, for example.
[...] Myths talked about her problem with the Peppa Pig magazine she got for her daughter, and PhD in Parenting talked about Medela being no longer WHO compliant since you can’t advertise bottles [...]
[...] I bought an Ameda PY. The closed system and the price tag were the main contributors, but the [...]
[...] Someone on Twitter linked me to this excellent article about why Medela is considered a WHO Code violator. She states her opinion on why she thinks [...]
I am Alecia,from what I can read. It has been sad news and scam to everyone about Voodoo casters or so. But to me they are so real cause one worked for me not quite two weeks.i met this man on a blog his name is Dr Abalaka is a very powerful man.I traveled down to where his shrine his and we both did the ritual and sacrifice.he had no website site, and now me and my ex are living very ok now.I don't know about you but Voodoo is real;love marriage,finance, job promotion ,lottery Voodoo,poker voodoo,golf Voodoo,Law & Court case Spells,money voodoo,weigh loss voodoo,diabetic voodoo,hypertensive voodoo,high cholesterol voodoo,Trouble in marriage,Barrenness(need a child),Luck, Money Spells,it's all he does. I used my money to purchase everything he used he never collected a dime from. He told me I can repay him anytime with anything from my heart. Now I don't know how to do that. If you can help or you need his help write him on ( i believe that your story will change for better,or if you have any question you can contact me here as Thank you.