Wordless Wednesday: Chutes Coulonge Kids Aerial Park

A few weeks ago my husband took the kids to the waterfalls and aerial park at Chutes Coulonge in Fort Coulonge, Quebec (easy day trip from Ottawa). Here are some pics from the little kids obstacle park and the waterfalls.

Want more fun in and around Ottawa? Check out:
(sorry...not entirely wordless...)
Reader Comments (11)
I've always wanted to go to Canada, now it's officially on my list of things to save up for.
Oh my goodness -- my brother works there on week-ends :)
Are you thinking of going back without kids to do the adult parts? My sister's done them a few times and loved it, especially the new climbing one... I think about it and I get scared personally with my fear of heights!!
Oh my, I grew up in the next town over! How fun that you decided to check it out. I went when I was little and all there was then were the chutes, they've really built up the entertainment value.
If anyone is into rafting, Esprit rafting is in the area - they are world class (I went and it was excellent), eco-friendly and are really pushing for enviro-tourism in the Pontiac: http://www.whitewater.ca/
Oh wow -- they have a kiddie obstacle course there? My seven year old will plotz!! Have always meant to go there -- now it's officially on the list for this fall.
(Had to laugh, you linked to me on the words "Mud Luke" -- lucky for us, and perhaps surprisingly, Lukey remained remarkably unmuddy during our adventure!)
LOL....I'll fix that.
That looks like a great place to take the kiddies for a fun day. Thanks for the idea!!
I had no idea there was a kids obstacle park. That is great. What is the cost?
I'm pretty sure it was free. But I think some things do cost. There are prices on the website.
I'll go if you want to go with me Annie!
Aw, we should've gone! I forget what stopped us that day... other than me cringing at the thought of a long(ish) drive by myself with three kids. I don't even remember what we did that day! Whatever it was, I'm pretty sure it was NOT as fun that looks!
If you want to go another time, let me know...