Wordless Wednesday: BINGO!

Okay, this is not wordless, but in an ideal world it would be...these statements should vaporize as they leave a person's lips and never be heard.
Permission to use image granted by Ruth Moss of Look Left of the Pleiades.
Permission to use image granted by Ruth Moss of Look Left of the Pleiades.
Reader Comments (14)
I think I have personally heard at least half of them especially "If you were bottle feeding I could take her for the night", to which I would love to reply "uhm thanks but would I want to give her to you hmmm?" :)
I guess you can't win. If your baby is big, he needs extra from formula and rice, but if he's small then he definitely needs extra from formula and rice.
How do people think the baby got so chubby in the first place?
HAHAHA. I love it! Last year for World Breastfeeding Week I made a BINGO card of http://itsallaboutthehat.blogspot.com/2008/08/b-i-n-g-o.html" rel="nofollow">places to breastfeed I expected this to be similar, but this is great too! I can't stand the "Is she good?" one. Last weekend someone told my DD that she was being "naughty" for fussing. It was 8 o'clock at night and only got a half hour nap the whole day (weekends really mess up our routine)! She's just fussy because she's tired.
Seems no matter what you do you can't win with some people. I'm breastfeeding too and try to ignore all unsolicited advice.
It's true that you just can't make everyone happy. When ds#1 was born he was a big baby. He was 20 lbs at his 4 month well-baby check (exclusively breastfed, of course). My big baby was 32 lbs at his first birthday (still almost exclusively breastfed at one year - he didn't like solids). You can imagine the comments made to me. "Your baby is TOO big." "You feed that child TOO much." etc., etc., etc.
Ds#2 was a smaller baby and while he nursed and nursed he wasn't 20 lbs until just after his first birthday. The comments made about him were slightly different. "You don't feed him enough." "Your milk mustn't be enough for him." "You need to supplement him."
It's a good thing that I was VERY committed to breastfeeding and making sure my children got what they needed. I wasn't going to take the "advice" from others who just didn't know what I knew. So many other mothers don't have the chance to establish their own self-confidence and awareness and mothering their babies.
Maybe I should go have a snuggle with my boys (now 10 and 7). Having established that physical and emotional connection with them from the beginning helps foster the physical and emotional connection we continue to have now.
I found your site on WW. Your picture made me cry. I'm exclusively breastfeeding my 10 month old and I can't tell you how many time I have heard and still hear those things. The poster above me - it's makes me happy to hear that you almost exclusively breastfed til 1 because your baby didn't like solids. I am in that same boat and wondered if I was still doing the right thing. I think I am going to add your blog to my daily reads, I feel very alone on this breastfeeding journey, maybe I will find some encouragement here. Thank you for posting this. :)
LOL You really just can't win with some people when it comes to breastfeeding.
It's so difficult to understand why people are so against just being natural!
My daughter is about to deliver her first child and told me she had been informed that she coulnd't give the baby a bottle before 6 weeks ( she has a good medical plan :) . She said what if she wanted to go for a bike ride when the baby was hungry? Why couldn't she use a breast pump and leave milk for her a bottle. I told her honey nature has it figured out so that the baby gets hungry at the same time your breasts fill up. You aren't going to want to be anywhere near a bicycle seat before 6 weeks is up. When your milk comes in you are going to be say where's that baby? Give me hungry baby now ! LOL
I feed Ara up till she was just over two...and would of kept on going if I'd learnt about thrush and learnt about pushing for help with my Doctor.
I've heard most of the 'bingo' words too...nothing like upping your self doubt
This is hysterical because it is so true. What is it about breastfeeding that makes people remove normal social filters from their brain?
[...] few weeks ago I posted a breastfeeding bingo card for Wordless Wednesday (courtesy of Ruth Moss), featuring those jaw dropping, inconsiderate remarks [...]
Your baby should be on fewer feeds by now...Grrrrr...thanks for the laugh! If we don't laugh about it, we cry about it!!
I was recently told to spank my 8 month old for being fussy. Let me just repeat that... I was told... to SPANK my 8 month old. People are absolutely ridiculous.
The same thing that makes people remove normal social filters when it comes to pregnant women. Saying, "Are you sure you should be eating that?!" to a pregnant woman is comparable to saying, "Are you sure she should be eating that?!" to a breastfeeding mother. I've heard both, and both send me into fits of rage.