Canadian Election Family Issues Around the Blogosphere

Family Outing: Incredibly well written post by Ariel Troster on I can't say it better than she does, so here is a quote: "You see, the images that Harper is putting out there are undeniably nuclear and heterosexual — as if to assure his right-wing base that the family is not in jeopardy, that single moms and gay parents have not eroded the Father Knows Best image of Canada that he so desperately wants to appeal to. He knows that people like me will never vote for him, so why reflect us in his campaign?" Read the rest. Now!
Federal Election Advocacy Kits: Child, Youth & Family Issues: Vancouver-Kingsway 2008 reports on and links to First Call BC's Federal Election Kit that helps advocates learn how to interact with candidates, provides facts on children and youth issues, outlines the government's responsibility to children and youth, and offers sample questions for all candidate meetings.
Childcare Crunch Won't Go Away Unless We Make It An Election Issue: Author Ann Douglas makes the connection between our less than stellar daycare system and the lacking productivity rates in our economy. She encourages people to read Code Blue's Child Care Report Card for the 2008 election. I would encourage it too! The Conservatives, of course, are most out of touch with our child care needs.
Real Top Issues Facing Canadians - Child Care & Early Learning: Another post by Vancouver-Kingsway 2008 outlining the importance of child care and early learning in this election. The post slams the Liberal and Conservative records and promises on these issues. It also highlights the Green Party and NDP platforms on the day care issue and notes that they sound better, but some more details are required. Someone needs to figure this out.
Food Safety: Michellesamom blogs on BlogHer about food safety and links to some interesting reports on food safety indicating that we are heading down the wrong path with Harper. Michelle expresses interest in seeing what the other parties are proposing. Check out my posts on their platforms Michelle!
Canadian Election Party Platforms: Effects on Personal Finances: Post by canadianinvestor summarizing the impact of the various party platforms and promises on personal and family finances. Nice summary and he promises an upcoming post outlining what he thinks is missing. Stay tuned.
That's it for now! If I find any more interesting posts, I'll add them here.
Reader Comments (4)
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Great post! Thank you so much for gathering all this information together. I'm going to red through it all tonight (as well as your other posts). I copied the post onto Blogher, but it is also on my blog at:
The election has been on my mind a lot lately, and it's crept into my blog as well... who knew motherhood was so political?
Hi, thanks for the compliment by linking. Makes the work of digging through platforms worthwhile.
Nice article