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Disclaimer - Political Party Parenting and Family Issues

In my series of posts on the parenting and family issues of the Canadian political parties, I have attempted to provide the most relevant information to inform people's choices as it relates to family issues. However, essentially all policies and promises are developed with the aim of improving the lives of Canadians and therefore Canadian families (although not all of them will do that of course!). Rather than trying to summarize everything, I picked and chose some of the issues that I thought were most relevant to the family context and have discussed those in my posts.

These posts may be reflective of my own priorities in some cases and I do not guarantee that I have included everything related to family issues. In particular, I did leave out policies that are specific only to a segment of Canadian families (e.g. Aboriginals, New Canadians, etc.) unless I thought they were particularly interesting and innovative and instead focused on measures that would apply to most or many families. I also didn't go into great detail on things like how they would create jobs or how they would fix the health care system. These are important issues and they all have plans for them that are extremely detailed and I wanted to focus on some of the more specific family issues.

While every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided here, I do not guarantee that it is accurate. Please verify the information yourself on the Web sites of the political parties.
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