Bloc Quebecois - Parenting and Family Issues

Family Needs and Finances
- Wish to promote "social solidarity" as it has been implemented in Quebec, including wealth sharing initiatives like seven dollar a day care, the Quebec Parental Leave Program that is more generous and more flexible than the EI based program that exists in the rest of Canada, affordable tuition, and other initiatives.
- Implement a ten-year, interest-free loan program for first-time home buyers and provide financing to maintain and build social housing
- Would increase payments under the Employment Insurance system
Women's Rights
- Support equality between men and women, in particular focusing on pay equity and affordable daycare that makes it possible for many women to participate in the labour market.
- Wish to maintain the rights acquired by women, particularly with respect to abortion and do not support re-opening the debate on this issue.
- Wish to adopt a federal pay equity act
Children and Child Care
- Supportive of the seven-dollar a day day care regime that exists in Quebec.
The information in this post is taken from the Bloc Quebecois' Platform.
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