Breastfeeding on an Airplane: The Collection

As my regular readers will know, I've written a number of posts over the past while on nursing on airplanes. I wanted to have one easy reference point that pulls all of them together, so here is a quick menu:
When breastfeeding is a safety hazard: Somewhat satirical discussion of an odd breastfeeding policy.
Friendly skies? Not always for breastfeeding mothers: A summary of incidents where mothers have been told to stop breastfeeding, to cover up, have been kicked off of or not allowed on planes for breastfeeding or for carrying breastmilk, or otherwise humiliated for doing what is normal and natural.
Cover up! Airline breastfeeding policies: A post detailing the breastfeeding policies of major airlines and showing that we still have a long way to go. Interestingly my blog stats tell me that people from WestJet and Transport Canada have been checking out the post...not sure if that is a good sign or a bad sign!
Tips for Breastfeeding on a Plane: Based on at least 12 flights with nurslings, I provides some tips for breastfeeding moms to help them prepare for and survive a flight with a nursling, including what to do if a confrontation happens.
Breastfeeding During Take-Off and Landing: Describes the required holding position for take-off and landing and explains how you can breastfeed in that position.
Reader Comments (9)
[...] by plane? Here’s a great collection of tips and hints from the PHD parenting blog on how to breastfeed on an airplane. A must-read for anyone planning to travel with baby in tow. The only thing I would add is nursing [...]
[...] 8, 2008 by phdinparenting A while ago I wrote a series of posts on breastfeeding on an airplane. In one of the posts, I provided information on airline breastfeeding policies and was baffled by [...]
Hi, I have only just discovered you blog, and I adore it. I find it full of substance and wisdom. I recently wrote about my own bad experience: "Breasts on a Plane". You're welcome to have a look.
[...] mothers being asked to cover up or move from a flight, check out PhD in Parenting’s post Breastfeeding on an Airplane: The [...]
[...] mothers being asked to cover up or move from a flight, check out PhD in Parenting’s post Breastfeeding on an Airplane: The [...]
Great group of posts, thank you!
Here are my recommendations for breastfeeding on a plane:
I will proudly breastfeed my son -- who is 3 1/2 years old -- on a plane in a month, going to Europe :)
Dagmar's momsense
Thanks for the wonderful collection of articles! I'm passing it on to my friends and blog readers. I've been so fortunate breastfeeding on airplanes. My son stayed very quiet because of it, and every time I flew other passengers commented how well-behaved and happy he was, no matter how long the flight. :)
[...] take them to the patio but for now, relax and enjoy that “slinging” feeling! For more tips on Breastfeeding on an Airplane check out the blog entries of PhD in Parenting! Annie has MANY great ideas posted!! Posted by [...]
[...] of you have a probably read my series of posts about breastfeeding on an airplane. Well, Trevor has one too — and a follow-up post with the things he wishes he'd said at [...]